Configure range slider settings

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When range properties are enabled for any layers or stand-alone tables in your map, the Range tab appears along the top of the display to provide the additional settings needed to configure the behavior of the range slider and its controls. The settings are organized into groups along the Range tab for View, Active Range, Current Range, Step, Playback and Full Extent. These range configuration groups are further explained in the following sections.


Turn the range filtering on or off in the map. The active range is the range currently defined by the range slider and displayed as the Active Range Name in the Active Range group.

If multiple ranges are defined for a layer, you can turn these locked ranges on or off by applying additional filtering in the map.


Active Range Active Range

Turn range filtering on or off in the view. You can also enable or disable range on the range slider.

Locked Ranges Locked Ranges

Multiple ranges can be created for a single layer, however only one range can be active at a time. The inactive ranges are in a locked state where they act as additional definition queries for the layer. Click Locked Ranges to enable or disable the locked ranges stored in range-aware layers.

Active Range

Set the range you want to interact with using the range slider. You can also change the mode of the range slider to a more simplified style that is suitable for working with integer data.

Defining more than one range allows you to quickly switch between ranges; however, only one can be active at a time. The active range is tied to the range slider, and all locked ranges behave like definition queries.

Item Description

Active Range Name

Choose which name from the drop-down list will be the active range, setting the values for the slider. This list is populated from the layers or stand-alone tables for which you have defined range properties on the Properties dialog box. Choosing None only means you have disabled range from the map, and the slider will no longer appear. It does not remove the range property definition from the layers or tables, only the ability to interact with it in the map.

Single Value Mode

Change the range slider to present as a single value that you can step through or type in an explicit value. This mode is only available for integer data (whole numbers) and is well suited for relatively small ranges such as the floors of a building.


This option is only available when the active range is in single-value mode, and it allows you to specify which layer or table will provide a descriptive alias value to be displayed on the collapsed range slider control. At least one range-aware layer in the map must have a range alias defined for this option to be enabled, and it is recommended to only set a range alias on one layer per distinct range.

Current Range

Set the visible range by providing values for the range slider thumbs. The options are described in the following table:


Maximum Value

This value explicitly sets the upper bound of the visible range. Type a number either from the Current Range group on the Range tab or on the slider in the maximum thumb's value box. If the box is empty, the maximum bound has been disabled. The icon beside it changes to an arrow, indicating it will show all values to infinity.

Minimum Value

This value explicitly sets the lower bound of the visible map range. Type a number either from the Current Range group on the Range tab or on the slider in the minimum thumb's value box. If the box is empty, the minimum bound has been disabled. The icon beside it changes to an arrow, indicating it will show all values to infinity.

Lock Minimum or Maximum Value

When you lock the maximum or minimum value for the map range, it cannot be moved by dragging the thumb controller on the slider. In addition, during playback, the thumb will not move. Locked thumb values are also outlined in red on the slider.

Click the lock icon again to return the value to its unlocked, interactive state.


The active map range can optionally be expressed as an amount between the minimum and maximum thumb values. The span remains constant as you step through your data's range. You can also push the span along the slider with the pointer to view your current range of data to display.

Lock Span

When span is locked, you can only adjust the maximum or minimum thumb values by explicitly typing a value. The difference will remain constant.

Disable/Enable the Maximum and Minimum Values

The enabled and disabled state icons for the thumbs are a visual aid for whether you want to either show your defined values (enabled) or include all values to infinity (disabled). When you disable the thumb values, the icon changes to an arrow. This will occur automatically if you leave a minimum or maximum thumb range value box empty.

Minimum and maximum thumb values enabled
Disabled maximum
Disabled minimum
  1. Both maximum and minimum values are enabled.
  2. The visible range will show all values greater than the minimum value because the maximum thumb value has been disabled.
  3. The visible range will show all values less than the maximum value because the minimum thumb value has been disabled.

Minimum Value Excluded Minimum Value Excluded / Minimum Value Included Minimum Value Included

You can set the visible range span to include values greater than but not including the minimum range value, or include values greater than or equal to the minimum range value.

Maximum Value Excluded Maximum Value Excluded / Maximum Value Included Maximum Value Included

You can set the visible range span to include values less than but not including the maximum range value, or include values less than or equal to the maximum range value.


The options in the Step group allow you to set the amount of offset to move when using the Next or Previous step commands, or during playback. The options are described in the following table:


Number of Steps

Use this option to set the step to a relative amount needed to step through the current extent of the slider.

Step Interval

Use this option to set the step to an explicit amount.

Check Use Range Span to set the step interval equal to the number specified for a span defined in the Current Range group, when possible.


Use this option to step through the range slider using a layer-defined offset. This option is enabled after setting the step using unique values layer property for the layer. Stepping to specific ranges can be irregularly spaced so the layer step interval controls how the range slider moves through the data—for example, wildfire size in acres in North America for a particular year, or total medal count by country for the 2022 Winter Olympics.


Use the playback settings to configure the behavior of the range slider when you click the Play button. The options are described in the following table:



Play through all of the steps from the current position to the edge of the slider extent.

Next Step

Step the current range forward according to the Step settings and for the minimum and maximum thumbs.

Previous Step

Step the current range backward according to the settings for the minimum and maximum thumbs.

Playback Speed

Set the relative speed of the visualization playing back the defined span of visible range. This option sets the amount of time to pause at each time step before moving to the next step. The number of steps does not change, only the amount of time between each step.


Set whether playback begins by moving forward or backward.


When the slider thumbs displaying the current range have reached the end of the slider, playback will continue in the opposite direction once and then stop.


Choose this if you want playback to continue to loop through the slider in the same direction. You can combine Reverse and Repeat.

Full Extent

The full extent settings define the extent values of the slider bar when you click the Full Extent button. The options are described in the following table:


All range-enabled data

Set the full extent of the range slider to the extent of all range-enabled layers and tables in the map. This is the default option.

All visible range-enabled data

Set the full extent to the extent of all visible layers in the map. This range extent updates as layer visibility changes.

User defined

Set the full extent to the extent defined in the Minimum and Maximum edit boxes for the full extent. If you edit either of the values in these controls, the option is automatically set to user defined.


Every layer with range properties defined for the map will show in the drop-down list. Selecting a layer sets the full extent to the extent of that layer.

Unlock extent

Unlock the extent of the slider so it can be modified interactively.

Full extent

Set the slider to the defined full extent.