Range step options

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The minimum and maximum thumbs on the range slider are used to set the bounds for the currently visible range. Steps define how you move forward or backward through the range slider extent. The thumbs can be moved along the range by either a relative or an explicit step amount you define.

The range step options are available in the Step group on the Range tab. The following options are available:

  • Number of Steps—Use this option to move through the range slider with a specific number of steps regardless of the range extent, for example, if you want to move from the start of the slider to the end of the slider in 30 steps.
  • Step Interval—Use this option to specify an exact value to step through the range on the slider (this is the default). Since you can incorporate other settings with this option, it is further explained below.
  • Layer—Use this option to step the range slider to the next unique value, which may be at irregular intervals. This option is only available if the step property for the layer has been set.

Step interval

The range step interval is the value by which the slider thumbs move when you click Play Play all steps, Step Forward Step forward, or Step Back Step back on the range slider, refreshing what data displays at that current range. For example, to visualize earthquakes by their magnitude data and progress by 1 on the Richter scale, you can specify a step interval of 1, and the slider will step by 1 when you click Play. However, if the step interval is changed to 2, the slider will step by 2, or go from 1 to 3 to 5, and so on.

By default, Use Range Span is enabled for the Step Interval option. This specifies that the value of the step will be equal to the span of the current range. For example, if the map is currently showing earthquakes with magnitudes between 4 and 6, the step is equal to 2. Use this to visualize all data while stepping through the slider. When Use Range Span is not checked, you can set it to any value. For example, if your data naturally falls at specific values, such as building floors, and you have floors starting at 0 (ground) all the way through 10 (top floor), set a step interval of 1 so you move to the next or previous floor while stepping.


When specifically working with ArcGIS Indoors GIS data configured with floor-aware maps and layers, it is recommended that you use the associated floor filter tool.

Another option for stepping through range aware data is using a list of unique range values in the layer. The range slider displays the irregularly spaced information and you can step directly to the next or previous value. This ensures you avoid experiences where nothing is displayed in the map. Set the Step property for range on the Layer Properties dialog box to enable the View using unique values within the data option. Once the layer property is set, ensure the Step group on the Range tab has the Layer option chosen in order for the range slider's step offset to use the layer-defined property. When such irregular data is used, darker tick marks are colored onto the range slider to indicate each range value.

In this topic
  1. Step interval