Manage add-ins

AllSource 1.2    |

An add-in is custom functionality created by developers or users with the ArcGIS Pro SDK 3.3 for .NET. Add-ins integrate seamlessly with ArcGIS AllSource. In many cases, add-ins customize the user interface, providing a new tool or set of tools that appears on the Add-In ribbon tab, other tabs, or other areas of the application such as custom panes.


ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and later releases will only load add-ins that have been compiled with ArcGIS Pro SDK 3.0 and later versions. See ProConcepts 3.0 Migration Guide for more information.

DynamicMenu add-in
When the DynamicMenu add-in is installed, a custom tool appears on the Add-In tab. The tool allows you to select multiple features from a layer and display a context menu listing all of them.

An add-in is packaged as a single compressed file with the .esriAddInX extension. This is a simple file type that can be sent by email, downloaded from a portal, or exchanged in the same ways as other ordinary files.

Add-ins can be installed to a default local folder with an installation utility or loaded from a folder designated as a well-known folder. Both methods are described in the sections below. Add-ins are viewed and deleted from the Add-In Manager on the ArcGIS AllSource Settings page.

Add-ins provide unique functionality but may also introduce security risks or lead to unstable software behavior. It is important to know and trust the source of an add-in.

To create your own add-ins, you need the ArcGIS Pro SDK. The ArcGIS Developer site has tutorials to help you build your first add-in.

Install an add-in with the installation utility

When you install an add-in with the installation utility, the add-in is copied to this default location: %System Drive%\Users\<username>\Documents\ArcGIS\AddIns\ArcGISPro. Before copying the file, the utility ensures that a newer version of the add-in does not already exist in the location.

  1. Browse to the folder location of an add-in file (*.esriAddInX) on your computer or a network drive.
  2. Double-click the file to open the Esri ArcGIS Add-In Installation Utility window.

    Review the information in the Esri ArcGIS Add-In Installation Utility window.

  3. To continue, click Install Add-In.

    The add-in is copied to the default location and installed. A copy of the file remains in the location where you browsed to it.

  4. If ArcGIS AllSource is open, exit and restart the application.

    The add-in is now available for use.


    If the add-in was written for a 2.x version of ArcGIS AllSource, a warning prompt appears. If you proceed with the installation, the add-in is copied to the default location but does not load.

Load an add-in from a well-known folder

You can designate a local or network folder as a well-known location for add-ins. On startup, ArcGIS AllSource will check this folder and automatically load any add-ins that it finds there.

Designating a well-known folder on a network drive is a convenient way for many people in a workplace to use the same add-ins. However, it may cause ArcGIS AllSource to start more slowly. If you use a network folder, it is recommended that you use a subfolder of the root folder and that this subfolder contain only add-in files.

This video was created with ArcGIS Pro 3.2.

  1. Open the ArcGIS AllSource settings page in one of the following ways:
    • From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
    • From the start page, click the Settings tab Settings.
  2. In the list of side tabs, click Add-In Manager.
  3. In the Add-In Manager, click Options.
  4. On the Options tab, click Add Folder.
  5. On the browse dialog box, browse to the folder that you want to designate as a well-known folder.
  6. Click the folder to select it. Click OK.

    Well-known folder on Options tab of Add-In Manager

    The full path to the folder appears in the list of well-known folders.


    By default, the option is selected to load all add-ins that are found in the well-known folder. You can choose a different option if you want to load only add-ins provided by Esri or only those digitally signed by a trusted publisher.

  7. Exit ArcGIS AllSource.
  8. Use File Explorer to copy one or more .esriAddInX files into the well-known folder in its location on disk.
  9. Start ArcGIS AllSource.

    Add-ins in the well-known folder are loaded. The folder is checked for newly added or deleted add-ins each time you start ArcGIS AllSource.


    To stop using a well-known folder, click the folder in the list of well-known folders and click Remove Folder. Restart ArcGIS AllSource.

View add-ins

You can see your available add-ins in the Add-In Manager.

  1. Open the ArcGIS AllSource settings page in one of the following ways:
    • From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
    • From the start page, click the Settings tab Settings.
  2. In the list of side tabs, click Add-In Manager.
  3. In the Add-In Manager, on the Add-Ins tab, click an add-in to view information about it.

    Add-Ins in the Add-In Manager

Delete an add-in

If you no longer need an add-in, you can delete it. Deleting an installed add-in uninstalls it from ArcGIS AllSource and moves the .esriAddInX file to the system recycle bin.


If you use the Add-In Manager to delete an add-in that is loaded from a well-known folder on a network drive, the .esriAddInX file is permanently deleted, just as it would be if you used File Explorer to delete the file from its location on disk.

  1. Open the Add-In Manager and select an add-in as described in the View add-ins section above.
  2. Click Delete this Add-In.

    Delete this Add-In button

    The add-in is marked for deletion but remains available in your current ArcGIS AllSource session.

    Add-in marked for deletion

  3. Exit and restart ArcGIS AllSource.

    The add-in is uninstalled and removed from the Add-In Manager.


    You cannot delete any add-ins that appear under the Shared Add-Ins heading of the Add-In Manager because they are managed by your software administrator. For more information, see the Make administrative settings section below.

Disable add-ins

If ArcGIS AllSource behaves in unexpected ways or stops working after you install add-ins, you can disable add-ins by starting ArcGIS AllSource from the Windows command prompt with a special parameter. If the software behaves normally when add-ins are disabled, you may need to delete one or more add-ins.

To disable add-ins, start ArcGIS AllSource from the command line with the following command:

"%ProgramFiles%\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\ArcGISPro.exe" /disableaddins

No add-ins appear in the Add-In Manager. To reenable add-ins, exit and restart ArcGIS AllSource normally.

Make administrative settings

As a software administrator, you can make registry edits to block user access to add-ins, designate well-known folders, and set security levels for add-ins.

In the Windows Registry Editor, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ESRI > ArcGISPro > Settings, create an Add-In Folders key and use string values to designate well-known folders. Add-in files placed in these folders will appear as shared add-ins in the Add-In Manager. For more information on making these registry edits, see ArcGIS AllSource Registry Keys.