Set user interface options

AllSource 1.2    |

User interface options allow you to control various aspects of the ArcGIS AllSource user interface to improve productivity and make the application easier to use.

To set the User Interface options, do the following:

  1. Open the ArcGIS AllSource settings page in one of the following ways:
    • From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
    • From the start page, click the Settings tab Settings.
  2. In the list of side tabs, click Options.
  3. On the Options dialog box, under Application, click User Interface.


General user interface options allow you to set behavior for context menus and Undo and Redo operations.

Context menus remember last selection

When the Context menus remember last selection check box is checked, the last command you ran on a context menu is automatically selected the next time you open the menu. This is the default setting. When the box is unchecked, no command is selected when you open a context menu.


The functionality does not apply to commands that are nested on a context menu, such as Selection > Pan To Selection.

Remember Undo and Redo filters

On the Quick Access Toolbar, you can filter Undo and Redo commands to group actions by functional category, or to show only actions that belong to a specific category.

When the Remember Undo and Redo filters check box is unchecked, these filter settings are not persisted from one ArcGIS AllSource session to the next. This is the default. When the box is checked, the settings are persisted between sessions.

Show keyboard shortcuts in context menus when available

When the Show keyboard shortcuts in context menus when available check box is checked, shortcuts appear next to context menu commands when available. This is the default setting. When the box is unchecked, shortcuts do not appear on context menus.

Ease of access

You can increase the size of the text, icons, and other parts of the ArcGIS AllSource user interface by up to 200 percent. The content of map, scene, and layout views does not scale correspondingly. Use navigation and zoom tools to scale the content in those views.

To increase the size of the ArcGIS AllSource user interface, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the User interface scaling drop-down arrow and choose a scale value. Click OK.
  2. Restart ArcGIS AllSource.

Set default options for working with views

To set the default position of the first table, chart, video, ModelBuilder, or notebook view opened in a project, choose from the following options:

  • Docked below the active map—This is the default setting for table, chart, and video views.
  • Stacked on top of the active view—This is the default setting for ModelBuilder and notebook views.
  • As a separate floating window—The view opens in a new floating window. By default, additional views of the same type are stacked in the same window. To open each view in a new window, uncheck the Stack additional views on top of the last active view check box.