Find tools and help using Command Search

AllSource 1.2    |

The following video demonstrates how to use Command Search.

  • Video length: 0:55
  • This video was created with ArcGIS Pro 3.2.

The Command Search box is at the top of the application. You can use it to find and run commands, open geoprocessing tools and raster functions, and get help.

Command Search box and drop-down list of commands
Click in the Command Search box to see a drop-down list of recently used and suggested commands.

For example, suppose you need to edit some line features. You can type the term split in the Command Search box and see a list of relevant commands and tools. Items in the list are enabled or disabled based on the current state of ArcGIS AllSource.

You can also hover over the Get help command at the bottom of the list to see relevant help topics. Click a topic to open it.

Command Search results for the term split with help topics displayed.

Clicking the first command result, Split (Split features), opens the Modify Features pane, and you can begin to edit your data.

Modify Features pane