An add-in is custom functionality created by developers or users with the ArcGIS Pro SDK 3.4 for .NET. Add-ins integrate seamlessly with ArcGIS AllSource. In many cases, add-ins customize the user interface, providing a new tool or set of tools that appears on the Add-In ribbon tab, other tabs, or other areas of the application such as custom panes.
ArcGIS Pro 3.0 and later releases will only load add-ins that have been compiled with ArcGIS Pro SDK 3.0 and later versions. See the ProConcepts 3.0 Migration Guide for more information.

An add-in is packaged as a single compressed file with the .esriAddInX extension. This is a simple file type that can be sent by email, downloaded from a portal, or exchanged in the same ways as other ordinary files.
Add-ins can be installed to a default local folder with an installation utility or loaded from a folder designated as a well-known folder. Both methods are described in the sections below. Add-ins appear on the Add-In Manager page in the ArcGIS AllSource settings.
To create your own add-ins, you need the ArcGIS Pro SDK. The Esri Developer site has tutorials to help you build your first add-in.
Add-ins may introduce security risks or lead to unstable software behavior. It is important to know and trust the source of an add-in.
Install an add-in with the installation utility
When you install an add-in with the installation utility, the add-in is copied to this default location: <System Drive>\Users\<username>\Documents\ArcGIS\AddIns\ArcGISPro. Each add-in is stored in a folder with a unique alphanumeric name. Before copying the file, the utility checks to see if a newer version of the add-in already exists in the location. If it does, you are prompted whether to overwrite the newer version.
- In Microsoft File Explorer, browse to the folder location of an add-in file (*.esriAddInX) on your computer or a network drive.
- Double-click the file to open the Esri ArcGIS Add-In Installation Utility window.
Review the information in the window.
- To continue, click Install Add-In.
The add-in is copied to the default location and installed. (The add-in file also remains in its original location.) A message that the installation succeeded appears.
- Click OK on the installation message.
- If ArcGIS AllSource is open, exit and restart the application.
The add-in is now available for use.
If the add-in was written for a 2.x version of ArcGIS AllSource, and you are running a 3.x version of the software, a warning prompt appears. If you proceed with the installation, the add-in is copied to the default location but does not load.
Load an add-in from a well-known folder
You can designate a local or network folder as a well-known location for add-ins. On startup, ArcGIS AllSource will check this folder and automatically load any add-ins that it finds there.
Designating a well-known folder on a network drive is a convenient way for many users in a workplace to use the same add-ins. However, it may cause ArcGIS AllSource to start more slowly. If you use a network folder, it is recommended that you use a subfolder of the root folder and that this subfolder contain only add-in files.
- Open the ArcGIS AllSource settings page in one of the following ways:
- From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
- From the start page, click the Settings tab
- In the list of side tabs, click Add-In Manager.
- At the top of the Add-In Manager page, click the Options tab.
- On the Options tab, click Add Folder.
- On the browse dialog box, browse to the folder that you want to designate as a well-known folder.
- Click the folder to select it and click OK.
The path to the folder appears in the list of well-known folders.
By default, the option is selected to load all add-ins that are found in the well-known folder. You can choose a different option if you want to load only add-ins provided by Esri or only those digitally signed by a trusted publisher.
- Exit ArcGIS AllSource.
- Use File Explorer to copy one or more .esriAddInX files into the well-known folder in its location on disk.
- Start ArcGIS AllSource.
Add-ins in the well-known folder are loaded and appear on the Add-Ins tab of the Add-In Manager page under Shared Add-Ins. The folder is checked for newly added or deleted add-ins each time you start ArcGIS AllSource.
Prior to ArcGIS Pro 3.4, add-ins in well-known folders appeared under My Add-Ins.
View add-ins
You can see your available add-ins in the Add-In Manager page.
- Open the ArcGIS AllSource settings page in one of the following ways:
- From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon.
- From the start page, click the Settings tab
- In the list of side tabs, click Add-In Manager.
- In the Add-In Manager, on the Add-Ins tab, click an add-in to view information about it.
Delete add-ins
The steps to delete an add-in that you no longer need are different depending on whether the add-in appears under My Add-Ins or Shared Add-Ins.
Delete an add-in from My Add-Ins
If you no longer need an add-in that you installed to My Add-Ins, you can delete it from the Add-In Manager page. Deleting an installed add-in uninstalls it from ArcGIS AllSource and moves the .esriAddInX file to the system recycle bin.
- Open the Add-In Manager page and select an add-in as described in the View add-ins section above.
- Click Delete this Add-In.
The add-in is marked for deletion but remains available in your current ArcGIS AllSource session.
- Exit and restart ArcGIS AllSource.
The add-in is uninstalled and removed from the Add-In Manager page.
Delete an add-in from Shared Add-Ins
Add-ins in the Shared Add-Ins section cannot be deleted using the Add-In Manager page. You can delete these add-ins using File Explorer, if you have write permission to do so. You should be careful not to delete an add-in that may be used by others.
If you don't want to load a shared add-in, you can use the Add-In Manager page to remove the well-known folder from the list. On the Options tab, click the folder in the list and click Remove Folder. Restart ArcGIS AllSource. The add-in will not load in your projects but will continue to load for others.
If your software administrator has configured ArcGIS AllSource to use a well-known folder through the system registry, you may not be able to remove the folder. See the Make administrative settings section below for more information.
Disable add-ins
If ArcGIS AllSource behaves in unexpected ways or stops working after you install add-ins, you can disable add-ins by starting ArcGIS AllSource from the Windows command prompt with a special parameter. If the software behaves normally when add-ins are disabled, you may need to delete one or more add-ins.
To disable add-ins, start ArcGIS AllSource from the command line with the following command:
"%ProgramFiles%\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\ArcGISPro.exe" /disableaddins
No add-ins appear in the Add-In Manager page. To reenable add-ins, exit and restart ArcGIS AllSource normally.
Make administrative settings
As a software administrator, you can make registry edits to block user access to add-ins, designate well-known folders, and set security levels for add-ins.
In the Windows Registry Editor, under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > ESRI > ArcGISPro > Settings, create an Add-In Folders key and use string values to designate well-known folders. Add-in files placed in these folders will appear as shared add-ins in the Add-In Manager page. For more information on making these registry edits, see ArcGIS AllSource Registry Keys.