The Military Overlay pane creates military symbol features and edits existing military symbol features in the current map. Enable the pane to start using it to create features with military symbology. The pane is comprised of three main tabs: Create/Edit, Favorites, and Settings. Each tab is described below.
Creating and editing symbols
Create military symbols and edit existing symbols on the Create/Edit tab. Search for the desired base symbol and modify it with graphic modifiers and text modifiers, and add a new feature to the map, store it with favorites, or copy the symbol as an image.
The Preview window takes up the top part of the tab. The selected symbol and it's modifications are displayed. Surrounding the Preview window are the tab controls.
- Add Symbol To Favorites
—Add the current symbol, with modifiers, to the Favorites list.
- Add Symbol To Map
—Add the symbol to the map. Each subsequent map click creates a new feature symbolized with the current symbol.
- Copy Image To Clipboard
—Copy the current symbol to the system clipboard as an image.
- Save Image As
—Save the current symbol to a .png file.
Below the Preview window are search controls and modifier tabs.
- Symbol Search—Search for a base symbol using keywords. Type keywords to see a list of results.
- Symbol Identification Code—Displays the Symbol Identification Code of the current symbol, with modifiers. The structure of the code differs based on the chosen military symbology standard. This is also used to search for a base symbol by Symbol Identification Code.
- Symbol tab—Shows the list of graphic modifiers that can be changed for the current base symbol.
- Labels tab—Shows the list of text modifiers that can be included with the current base symbol. By default, they are blank.
The Favorites tab manages the list of symbols saved from the Create/Edit tab. Here, symbols can be added to the map, saved to a PNG, or exported and imported from a file.
The Preview window takes up the top part of the tab. The selected symbol and its modifications are displayed. Surrounding the Preview window are the tab controls.
- Add Symbol To Favorites
—Add the current symbol, with modifiers, to the Favorites list.
- Remove Symbol From Favorites
—Remove the selected symbol from the Favorites list.
- Add Symbol To Map
—Add the symbol to the map. Each subsequent map click creates a new feature symbolized with the current symbol.
- Copy Image To Clipboard
—Copy the current symbol to the system clipboard as an image.
- Save Image As
—Save the current symbol to a .png file.
Below the Preview window is the list of saved symbols. Select one to display in the Preview window.
Import—Append symbols to Favorites from a Military Overlay Favorites *.mofav file.
Export—Save all Favorite symbols to a *.mofav file.
The Settings tab on the Military Overlay pane has two parameters: Military Symbology Database and Military Symbology Standard. These two properties should be set before beginning work, as they affect where and how the symbols will be created.
- The Military Symbology Database parameter is the target geodatabase where output military symbology features are created. This property can be a file geodatabase, mobile geodatabase, or enterprise geodatabase. By default, it points to the project's default geodatabase.
- The Military Symbology Standard parameter sets which military symbology standard will be used to define and store the Symbol Identification Code (SIDC) for each feature that is created. By default, it is set to MIL-STD-2525D.