Add a symbol to the map

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Once the symbol is created and customized in the Military Overlay, you can use the symbol in a map. The following sections describe different methods for adding features using military symbology.

Add point symbols to the map

Add the customized symbol to the map with the pointer using the following steps:

  1. Open Military Overlay.
  2. Click Add Symbol To Map Add in the symbol preview.
  3. Click the map to add the symbol.

    The symbol should show in the map in the location. Repeat this step to add more symbols of the same type.

  4. On the Mapview toolbar, click Save All Edits.

    Optionally, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.

    Alternatively, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.

Add point symbols using coordinates

Add the customized symbol to the map using map units, geographic units, MGRS, USNG, or UTM. Use the following steps:

  1. Open Military Overlay.
  2. Click Add Symbol To Map Add in the symbol preview.
  3. Right-click the map.
  4. Click Absolute X, Y, ZMove To or use the F6 key.

    Absolute X,Y appears.

  5. Click the unit down arrow and select the coordinate notation to use.
    • m—Map units in meters
    • ft—Map units in International Feet
    • ftUS—Map units in US Survey Feet
    • dd—Geographic units in Decimal Degrees
    • dms—Geographic units in Degrees Minutes Seconds
    • ddm—Geographic units in Degrees Decimal Minutes
    • MGRS—Military Grid Reference
    • USNG—US National Grid
    • UTM—Universal Transverse Mercator
  6. Type the coordinate value and press Enter.

    The symbol should show on the map in the location. Repeat this step to add more symbols of the same type.

  7. On the Mapview toolbar, click Save All Edits.

    Optionally, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.

    Alternatively, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.

Add line and area symbols to the map

Add the customized symbol to the map with the pointer using the following steps:

  1. Open Military Overlay.
  2. Click Add Symbol To Map Add in the symbol preview.
  3. Click the map to create the first vertex.

    Alternatively, right-click the map, click Absolute X,Y,Z Move To, and type a coordinate location.


    You can change the tool to the Two-Point Line tool 2-Point Line without losing the current vertex.

  4. Choose a segment construction tool on the construction toolbar.

    The line tool is active by default.

    Segment construction tools

    To modify unfinished geometry as you draw a feature, click the Vertex Editing button Edit Vertex on the construction toolbar to enable vertex editing.

  5. Move the pointer and click the map to create a segment.


    To snap the pointer to a computed intersection, use the intersection tools on the construction toolbar.

    Intersection tools

  6. Continue to create segments until the shape is fully constructed.

    If the fully constructed shape is a part of a multipart feature, right-click, click Finish Part Finish Part, and draw the next feature.


    A multipart polyline feature contains two or more individual part features that reference the same attributes, for example, a polyline feature representing a stream that goes underground and reemerges somewhere else in the map.

  7. Click Finish Finish or press F2 to create the feature.

    Alternatively, to create another part for a multipart feature, right-click and click Finish Part Finish Part.

  8. On the Mapview toolbar, click Save All Edits.

    Optionally, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.

    Alternatively, on the ribbon, in the Manage Edits group, click Save All Edits Save Edits.