Import data

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You can add datasets to a geodatabase by importing them from other locations or by converting and importing them from other data formats.

Import feature classes

You can import shapefiles, computer-aided design (CAD), feature layers, and geodatabase feature classes into a geodatabase or feature dataset. From the context menu in the Catalog pane, right-click a geodatabase or feature dataset and select Import > Feature class(es).

The Feature Class To Geodatabase tool will import one or more datasets and output them as individual feature classes with the same fields from the data source. However, any invalid characters in the field names are automatically replaced. For example, a hyphen is replaced with an underscore.

To have more control over what data is imported, use the Export Features tool. This tool will only import one dataset at a time with options to use data filters, field mapping, and sorting. The Export Features tool can be accessed in two ways:

  • If the dataset to import already exists in the active map, go to the Contents pane, and right-click the layer. Select Data > Export Features

  • Ribbon—Click the Analysis tab, and click Tools in the Geoprocessing group. Search or browse to the Export Features tool in the Conversion Tools toolset, To Geodatabase toolbox.

If you have many datasets to import and want to chain multiple tools together, you can create and run a model instead of manually repeating the import from the context menu. A model helps automate importing by allowing you to save and reuse environment settings and tool parameters. Once you've created a model, you can import data, edit the model to specify other input data, modify parameters, and rerun the model.

Learn more about models and model building

When importing computer-aided design (CAD) data, consider using the CAD To Geodatabase geoprocessing tool as it provides more options specific to converting CAD data.

Feature classes and coordinate systems

Each feature class has a spatial reference with a coordinate system that defines how its locations are georeferenced. When importing feature classes, it is important to note the coordinate system of the dataset being imported. When you import into a feature dataset, the new feature class automatically takes on the same spatial reference as that feature dataset. If you import into a geodatabase, a new standalone feature class is created with the same spatial reference as the dataset you're importing.

Learn more about spatial references

Suppose you want to import a feature class that's in another coordinate system. For example, you may want to import a feature class that uses the North American Datum (NAD) 1927 coordinate system into a feature dataset that uses the NAD 1983 coordinate system. To simultaneously import the data and convert it into the new coordinate system, use the Project tool.

Learn more about the Project tool

Import tables

To import a table from the Catalog pane, right-click the geodatabase and from the context menu, select Import > Table(s). One or more Microsoft Excel worksheets, dBASE, delimited files, or geodatabase tables can all be imported using the Table To Geodatabase tool.


When you import several tables at the same time with the Table To Geodatabase tool, each table imports into a new table. The tool automatically corrects any illegal or duplicate field names.

To have more control about what rows and fields are imported, use the Export Table tool. This tool will only import one table or table view at a time with options to use row filters, field mapping, and sorting. The Export Features tool can be accessed in two ways:

  • If the table or table view to import already exists in the Contents pane, right-click the table. Select Data > Export Table

  • Ribbon—Click the Analysis tab, and click Tools in the Geoprocessing group. Search or browse to the Export Table tool in the Conversion Tools toolset, To Geodatabase toolbox.

Import an XML workspace document

XML workspace documents hold all of the contents of a geodatabase or any subset of the content and are used as a method of sharing schema information and, optionally, the data as well. You can import entire feature datasets, feature classes, or tables with the Import XML Workspace Document tool. You can also import just the geodatabase schema without any data.

You can create an XML workspace document for import by exporting data from a geodatabase, feature dataset, table, or feature class.

Learn more about how to export an XML workspace document

You can import an XML Workspace Document into a geodatabase using one of the following options:

Import datasets using geoprocessing tools

To import datasets using geoprocessing tools, click the Analysis tab on the ribbon and click Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane. In the Geoprocessing pane, you can either use the search box to search for the tools or click the Toolbox tab and find them under the Conversion Tools toolbox in the To Geodatabase section.

Conversion ToolDescriptionOutputConsiderations / Use cases
BIM File To Geodatabase

Imports the contents of one or more BIM file workspaces into a single geodatabase feature dataset.

Feature Dataset

Use this tool to combine one or more BIM file workspaces (Revit or IFC files) into a geodatabase dataset. The tool will append and merge the feature classes, their geometry, and attributes when feature classes have the same name and geometric type.

CAD To Geodatabase

Reads a CAD dataset and creates feature classes of the drawing. The feature classes are written to a geodatabase feature dataset.

Feature Dataset / Feature class

This tool creates a feature dataset in an existing geodatabase, which is added as a group layer in the map. If you only need a single feature class from the CAD feature classes, use the Export Features tool.

Export Features

Converts a feature class or feature layer to a feature class.

Feature Class

Allows the fields in the output dataset and the contents to be managed using the Field Map parameter. Rows can be reordered in ascending or descending order. SQL expressions can be used to export a subset of features.

Export Table

Exports the rows of a table or table view to a table.


The tool copies the rows of a table, table view, feature class, feature layer, delimited file, or raster with an attribute table to a new geodatabase or dBASE table or a delimited file.

Export Locations From Document

Analyzes documents containing unstructured or semi structured text, such as email messages, travel forms, and so on, and extracts locations to a point feature class.

Feature Class

Requires LocateXT license.

Supports all Microsoft Office documents (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel); Adobe PDF documents, marked-up text (XML and HTML) and any files containing plain text.

Extract Locations From Text

Analyzes input text or a text file and extracts locations to a point feature class

Feature Class

Requires LocateXT license.

Recognizes spatial coordinates or place names specified in the content of the text and creates points representing these locations.

Feature Class To Geodatabase

Converts one or more feature classes or feature layers to geodatabase feature classes.

Feature Class

Mobile Geodatabase To File Geodatabase

Copies the contents of a mobile geodatabase to a new file geodatabase.

File Geodatabase

Raster To Geodatabase

Loads raster datasets into a geodatabase.

Raster dataset

Though raster datasets can be loaded directly into a file or enterprise geodatabase (mobile not supported), it is recommended to create Mosaic datasets to reference raster datasets for better performance and efficient raster management.

Table To Geodatabase

Converts one or more tables to geodatabase tables in an output geodatabase.


The tool copies the rows of a table, table view, feature class, feature layer, delimited file, or raster with an attribute table to a new geodatabase table.

Learn more about the To Geodatabase toolset

The Data Interoperability toolbox has tools to extract, transform, and import data in a wide range of formats using Safe Software's FME technology. Using the Quick Import tool, archaic data types such as coverages or data in personal geodatabases can be imported directly into a geodatabase.

Enterprise geodatabases

When importing data in an enterprise geodatabase, the following areas need to be considered.


When you import data in an enterprise geodatabase, privileges are required. The following table indicates which user privileges can import data in an enterprise geodatabase.

Data userImport Feature classesImport tables

Data Owner




Learn more about enterprise geodatabase access and privileges

Database options

When you import data in an enterprise geodatabase, database administrators can optionally configure where the data is stored in the database.

On each import tool, the Environments tab allows a CONFIG keyword to be entered in the Geodatabase section. This section also contains an Auto Commit setting that can be changed from its default value of 1000.

Learn more about configuration keywords in an enterprise geodatabase

Data types

When importing tables or table views, the geoprocessing tools will create valid ArcGIS data types matched with the relational database management system data types.

Learn more about SQL Server data types supported for ArcGIS

Learn more about Oracle data types supported in ArcGIS

Learn more about PostgreSQL data types supported in ArcGIS