Configuration keywords for enterprise geodatabases

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There are many options for configuration keywords in an enterprise geodatabase. For each relational database management system (RDBMS), a specific set of configuration keywords is created by default in the DBTUNE table of the geodatabase. In addition, the geodatabase administrator can add custom keywords.

Configuration keywords are used to group parameters and parameter values under one heading (the keyword). The parameters and parameter values specify storage options for datasets in the geodatabase. The configuration keywords and their associated parameters and parameter values are stored in the DBTUNE system table in the geodatabase.

How configuration keywords are used

By grouping a set of parameters and values, configuration keywords allow you to designate one keyword that affects multiple storage options of a particular dataset. You choose what configuration keyword to use when you create a dataset in the geodatabase. If you do not specify a different keyword, the DEFAULTS keyword is used for the data.

The geodatabase administrator can alter the parameter values to change the way different components of a feature class or raster dataset are stored. For example, for a geodatabase in IBM Db2, the values for the business table and delta table parameters under the DEFAULTS configuration keyword can specify that each type of table be stored in different table spaces.

It is also possible for the geodatabase administrator to create custom configuration keywords. The geodatabase administrator is responsible for making sure the necessary configuration keywords exist in the DBTUNE table and are available for you to use in ArcGIS AllSource. Your geodatabase administrator can tell you if any custom configuration keywords are available and, if so, when you should use them.

Which configuration keyword to use

In most cases, the DEFAULTS configuration keyword is sufficient. The geodatabase administrator will change the parameter values of the DEFAULTS configuration keyword so that they reflect the configuration needed the majority of the time.

There may be special circumstances in which you choose a configuration keyword other than DEFAULTS when creating or importing data. Some suggested scenarios are offered in the following sections.

Geometry storage configuration keywords

All geodatabases store spatial (geometry) data. Each RDBMS product used for enterprise geodatabases provides specific geometry storage mechanisms. ArcGIS supports one geometry storage type in Db2 and SAP HANA. For Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, you can choose from different geometry storage options.

The geodatabase administrator sets the DEFAULTS geometry storage to the type you will use for most datasets. If the storage type you want to use is not the one set under the DEFAULTS keyword, other keywords are provided that allow you to create feature classes that use other geometry storage types.

The configuration keywords associated with each storage type in each supported database are as follows:

Configuration keywordGeometry storageRequirements


Esri spatial type for Oracle or PostgreSQL

ST_Geometry must be configured for PostgreSQL for you to use this keyword.

This keyword will not work in database service offerings of Oracle or PostgreSQL.


Oracle Spatial


PostGIS geometry type for PostgreSQL

PostGIS must be installed in the database.


PostGIS geography type for PostgreSQL

PostGIS must be installed in the database.


Microsoft geometry type for SQL Server


Microsoft geography type SQL Server

If any of the keywords above are not available or do not work, contact your geodatabase administrator. The administrator may have removed the keyword or (where applicable) may not have configured the database to use the geometry storage type.


Your geodatabase administrator may have created other, custom configuration keywords for you to use. In that case, the geodatabase administrator should provide you with that information.

You would specify a different geometry storage configuration keyword and, therefore, use a different geometry storage type in situations that require you to create a small set of feature classes in a different geometry storage type than the default. Some examples of when you might use these keywords are as follows:

  • When you design the geodatabase, you can try different storage types to see which ones fit your needs for particular datasets. In that case, you could store the same dataset (with a different name) using different geometry storage configuration keywords and systematically test the performance of each dataset.
  • You're working with a consultant who requires the data to be a specific geometry type.
  • You're working on a particular project that requires a different geometry type.


The following geometry storage types have been deprecated in ArcGIS AllSource:


You cannot create feature classes that use these storage types. Currently, you can view feature classes that use these geometry storage types, but this functionality will be removed in a future release. Use the Migrate Storage geoprocessing tool to migrate feature classes to supported data types to ensure you can continue to access the data.

Topology configuration keywords

A topology configuration keyword controls the storage location in the database of the topology tables when you create a topology.

If you do not choose a different topology keyword when you create a topology, the TOPOLOGY_DEFAULTS composite keyword is used to designate the storage of the topology tables.

To use a topology keyword other than the default, the geodatabase administrator creates topology keywords that designate different storage parameters from those in the default. Your geodatabase administrator will provide you with these keywords if they are required.

Terrain configuration keywords

A terrain configuration keyword controls the storage location in the database of terrain tables when you create a terrain dataset.

If you do not choose a different terrain keyword when you create a terrain dataset, the TERRAIN_DEFAULTS composite keyword is used to designate the storage of the terrain tables.

To use a terrain keyword other than the default, the geodatabase administrator creates terrain keywords that designate different storage parameters from those in the default. Your geodatabase administrator will provide you with these keywords if they are required.


Terrains require the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension.