Create datasets in a geodatabase

AllSource 1.2    |

While working with your geodatabase in ArcGIS AllSource, you can create empty datasets directly from the geodatabase. To do this, right-click the geodatabase in the Catalog pane and click New. Next, select the dataset type that you want to create from the context menu list. This opens the geoprocessing tool corresponding to the dataset type chosen. Enter the input parameters and run the geoprocessing tool to create the dataset in the geodatabase.

For enterprise geodatabases, the data owner is determined by the user specified in the database connection that is used. When creating or loading data, use the principle of least privilege and avoid using the geodatabase administrator account.

Create datasets

To create datasets, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Catalog pane, locate the geodatabase where the new dataset will be created.
    • For an enterprise geodatabase, this is under Databases after you create a connection to your database.
    • For a file or mobile geodatabase, this is under Databases or Folders.
  2. Right-click the geodatabase, hover over New, and click the specific type of dataset you want to create.

    The geoprocessing tool corresponding to the dataset type chosen opens. See the table below for the dataset types that can be created in a geodatabase.

  3. Fill in the tool parameters and click Run to create the dataset.

Dataset types to create in a geodatabase

The following table lists each type of dataset that can be created in a geodatabase and provides a link to its corresponding help page or geoprocessing tool.


Feature dataset

A set of thematically related feature classes (typically used to manage a topology, network, or terrain).

Feature class

A collection of features of the same type (such as wells, parcels, and streets) with a common set of attribute fields.


A collection of nonspatial attributes of the same type (such as a table with information about parcel owners). Attribute tables can be used for many purposes.


You can define a database view on tables in your database.

Relationship class

Creates an association between records in one table and records in another.

Raster dataset

A single raster or image data layer covering an extent.

Raster datasets are not supported in a mobile geodatabase.

Mosaic dataset

Mosaic datasets are used to manage, display, serve, and share raster data.

Mosaic datasets are not supported in a mobile geodatabase.

Trajectory dataset

Trajectory datasets are used to manage and display trajectory data. A trajectory dataset stores the footprints and metadata of the trajectories and references to the trajectory points in trajectory files.

Trajectory datasets are not supported in a mobile geodatabase.

Catalog dataset

A collection of references to locally stored or published spatial items. Catalog datasets help to organize multiple datasets in one centralized environment.

Oriented Imagery dataset

Oriented imagery datasets reference images taken from camera angles aimed near the horizon (for example, oblique views, bubble, 360-degree, street-side, and inspection imagery) and from imagery taken looking straight down at the ground (for example, traditional satellite imagery).

When viewing the attribute table of an oriented imagery dataset, each row stores the camera location as a point and references the data path to where the imagery is stored on disk or in cloud storage.

Geoprocessing toolbox

A series of user-created geoprocessing tools, scripts, and models.

Toolboxes are not supported in a mobile geodatabase.