Feature Class To Geodatabase (Conversion)

AllSource 1.2    |


Converts one or more feature classes or feature layers to geodatabase feature classes.


  • If the input is a layer with selected features, only those selected features will be written to the new output feature classes.

  • The name of the output feature classes will be based on the name of the input feature class. For example, if the input is C:\base\streams.shp, the output feature class will be named streams.

  • If the name of an output feature class already exists in the output geodatabase, and the Allow geoprocessing tools to overwrite existing datasets option is unchecked, a number will be appended to the end of the feature class name to make it unique (for example, rivers_1). If any of the input feature classes have the same name, a number will also be appended to the output feature class names, regardless of the overwrite existing datasets option. Otherwise, the feature class will be overwritten.

  • To transfer domains, subtypes, attribute rules, field groups, and contingent values to the output geodatabase, check the Transfer Geodatabase Field Properties environment.

  • This tool does not support annotation.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

One or more feature classes or feature layers that will be imported into a geodatabase.

Feature Layer
Output Geodatabase

The output or destination geodatabase.

Feature Dataset; Workspace

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Geodatabase

The geodatabase, or geodatabase feature dataset, containing the new feature classes.

Workspace; Feature Dataset

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