可用于具有 Indoors 扩展模块许可的 ArcGIS 组织。
An ArcGIS Enterprise portal administrator must import the license file for ArcGIS Indoors into your portal. You can then set permissions for members of your organization and certain functionality in ArcGIS Pro. Once you set permission levels for members and enable access to ArcGIS Pro functionality, they can access the Indoors tools in ArcGIS Pro after they successfully connect and sign in to your Enterprise portal.
导入 Indoors 的许可
在尝试连接到门户时,Viewer 将检查 Indoors 扩展模块。 您或门户管理员必须将 ArcGIS Indoors 的许可文件导入您的门户中,以便应用程序能够成功连接到该门户。
Perform the following steps to import the license file:
- Import the license file through your portal.
- Ensure that ArcGIS Indoors is listed as an organizational extension.
- Click the Organization tab and click Licenses.
- Click Organization extensions.
- Verify that ArcGIS Indoors is listed.
Set up access for ArcGIS Pro
Perform the following steps to set permissions for the members of your organization who need to use ArcGIS Pro:
- Assign the GIS Professional Advanced user type to the named users in your organization who you want to have access to ArcGIS Pro.
- Grant these named users access to the following extensions:
- 3D Analyst
- Data Interoperability
- Data Reviewer
- Network Analyst
- Production Mapping
- Assign these named users the Publisher role.
Members of your organization who need to use ArcGIS Pro must connect to this portal before using the ArcGIS Indoors tools.
您的门户必须具有来自 Viewer 受信任实体的有效 SSL 证书,才能在没有警告的情况下运行。 Web 浏览器具有内置的安全功能,这些安全功能可以防止连接到没有有效证书的服务器。
如果您的组织针对 Viewer 使用自签名或 Enterprise CA 证书,则必须在某些浏览器中添加例外,才能访问 Viewer URL。 这可能会具有严重的破坏性,因此建议使用由证书颁发机构签名的受信任证书。
ArcGIS Enterprise is designed so that you can use enterprise accounts and groups to control access to your ArcGIS organization. Use an organization-specific identity store to set policies for password expiration and complexity, control access using existing Active Directory, LDAP, or SAML groups, or leverage authentication.
Indoors supports built-in authentication and SAML.
Create users and assign roles and types
When you create users, check the type of users available for details about assigning roles and access.
Anonymous access is the ability to use Enterprise portal resources without supplying credentials. As an administrator of your organization, you determine whether anonymous access is allowed.
要从 Viewer 启用打印,请确认门户已设置有效的打印服务。 Viewer 需要门户中的仅地图打印服务以获取打印方向。