可用于具有 Indoors 扩展模块许可的 ArcGIS 组织。
ArcGIS Indoors has preconfigured default values for how frequently tracking points are uploaded when the device is stationary or in motion. These values can be changed with customized configuration.
Default values
The following are the default values for tracking frequency and behavior:
Frequency and behavior | Default value |
Uploading frequency when online | 10 seconds |
Storing frequency until network connectivity improves or has been restored | 10 seconds |
Maximum points to store until network connectivity improves or has been restored | 1000 points |
Storing or uploading behavior when device is stationary | TRUE |
要更改当设备静止或移动时上传追踪点频率的默认设置,您需要在 ArcGIS Indoors 配置表中添加自定义值并将其包含在您的 web 地图中。
- 在内容窗格内,右键单击 Indoors Configuration 表,然后单击打开。
随即显示 Indoors Configuration 表视图。
- 双击以下键的 Config Value 字段并设置其值。
- LOCATION_STORE_AND_FORWARD_FREQUENCY - 指定当网络连接改善或恢复之前,存储设备位置事件的频率(以秒为单位)。
- LOCATION_TRANSMIT_IF_STATIONARY - 指定当设备移动不超过 3 米时是否报告位置信息。
- LOCATION_STORE_AND_FORWARD_MAX_POINTS - 指定当网络连接改善或恢复之前,要存储的设备位置事件的最大数量。
根据用户数量和数据存储类型选择提交位置信息的频率。 将频率设置为小于 10 秒会导致电池使用率较高和网络阻塞。