An ArcGIS Earth configuration file provides administrators the option to configure and specify application parameters to meet your organization's requirements. As an administrator, you have the following options to specify a configuration file:
- Import a configuration file during ArcGIS Earth installation.
- Manage a configuration file in ArcGIS Earth settings.
Import a configuration file
You can preset configuration parameters and import the modified configuration file during installation. This modified configuration file will be in effect when launching ArcGIS Earth and will show as Default Config in ArcGIS Earth Advanced Settings. You can find this configuration file in the application installation directory, which is typically in the C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcGIS Earth\bin folder. See Install ArcGIS Earth for detailed steps.
Manage a configuration file
Click the Settings button on the toolbar and browse to Advanced > App Configuration, which allows you to add, export, edit, and delete configuration files.
- The default configuration file in the application installation directory is applied. Click Manage configuration file to expand Configuration Manager.
- Click Add configuration file and choose to add from items hosted on ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise, from local files, or via a URL on the dialog box that appears. The new configuration file
is appended in the Configuration Manager list if it is successfully
added. The file icon shows the file source. Three common sources are listed below:
—Default configuration file
—Configuration file added from local
—Configuration file added from online
In the Add configuration file window, the tab for adding from an ArcGIS Enterprise portal only appears when you are connected to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or later.
- Click the More options button
and open a drop-down menu with the following options to further manage a configuration file:
- Refresh—Refresh to get the latest configuration file.
- Set as Active—Set the selected configuration file as the active configuration. You need to relaunch ArcGIS Earth to have this configuration file in effect.
- Export—Export as an XML file and save to a Windows location.
- Delete—Remove the configuration file from the Configuration Manager list.
- Details—Directs you to the configuration file location.
Share a configuration file
Beginning with ArcGIS Online 9.1 and ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1, you can upload and host configuration files as XML files online. You can upload the configuration file to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise and share it with your organization.
Starting from ArcGIS Earth 1.13, you can share a local configuration file with your organization as an XML file directly through Configuration Manager. To share a configuration file, complete the following steps:
- Verify that you are signed in and have privileges to share data to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.
- Click the Share button
The Share Config to Portal window appears.
- Specify values for the item in the Name, Summary, and Tags fields, and for Portal Folder, choose a location where you want to place the item. In the Share With section, select who you want to share the item with.
The options include everyone, the organization, or groups in the organization. You can also unshare the item by unselecting the options.
- Click Share to share the local configuration file as an XML file with your organization.
The share capability is only available when you are connected to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 or later.
Configuration file
Beginning with ArcGIS Earth 1.12, two types of configuration files are supported:
- Regular config.xml file—See ArcGIS Earth Sample configuration file for details.
- A config.xml file that contains redirect links.
The following sample demonstrates a config.xml file that contains redirect links:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<configuration version="1.12">
<config source=""/>
<config source="C:\config.xml"/>
The ArcGIS Earth administrator can configure multiple configuration files in a config.xml file with multiple redirect links. If this config.xml file is imported during installation, the first one (the config.xml item hosted on ArcGIS Online) is used as the ArcGIS Earth default configuration file when launching the app. All configuration files included in this config.xml file are added to the Configuration Manager list.