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ArcGIS Earth 1.6 introduces the ArcGIS Earth Automation API, which provides a standard interface to communicate with ArcGIS Earth based on .NET WCF NamedPipe. From ArcGIS Earth 1.11, a new RESTful Automation API based on ASP.NET Core has been introduced and provides a fast and reliable method of communication with ArcGIS Earth.

Using the Automation API, you can access resources; control and script ArcGIS Earth behaviors; and integrate ArcGIS Earth with other .NET-supported applications, web applications, or web API applications that support REST.

The following are key features of the Automation API:

  • Control camera navigation and fly behaviors, including getting camera information and setting camera position.
  • Perform data operations, including adding data from online or local files, getting the loading status of the layer, and deleting layers from the workspace.
  • Perform workspace operations, including importing, getting, and clearing workspace contents.
  • Perform graphic operations, including adding, getting, updating, and deleting graphics from ArcGIS Earth.
  • Take snapshots of the current view.

  1. Introduction