DisconnectUser 函数允许管理员断开当前连接到企业级地理数据库的用户连接。
管理员可使用 DisconnectUser 函数断开用户与企业级地理数据库的连接。 此函数用于补充 ArcGIS AllSource 中的地理数据库管理对话框。
- DisconnectUser 函数必须使用连接到数据库的管理连接。
- 如果非管理员用户尝试运行此函数,则函数失败。
- 选择除用于运行函数或数据库的管理员连接之外的所有用户,断开其连接。
DisconnectUser (sde_workspace, {users})
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
sde_workspace | The enterprise geodatabase the users will be disconnected from. The connection properties specified in the enterprise geodatabase must have administrative rights that allow the user to disconnect other connections. | String |
users [users,...] | Specifies the users who will be disconnected from the geodatabase.
注:This function will not disconnect the user who is running the function. | Integer |
import arcpy
arcpy.DisconnectUser("D:\\MyProject\\admin.sde", "ALL")
以下示例演示了运行该命令断开单个用户连接的方法。 在本例中,管理员按照 ListUsers 函数返回的用户名列表提取要断开连接的用户 SDE ID。
import arcpy
admin_workspace = "D:\\MyProject\\admin.sde"
arcpy.env.workspace = admin_workspace
user_name = "GDB"
# Look through the users in the connected user list and get the connection ID.
# Use the connection ID to disconnect the user that matches the username variable
users = arcpy.ListUsers(admin_workspace)
for item in users:
if item.Name == user_name:
arcpy.DisconnectUser(admin_workspace, item.ID)
以下示例演示了运行 DisconnectUser 函数断开多个用户连接的方法。
import arcpy
# Set the admistrative workspace connection
admin_workspace = "D:\\MyProject\\admin.sde"
# Create a list of users to disconnect.
user_names = ["TRAVIS", "DEBBIE", "PHIL"]
# Get a list of connected users
connected_users = arcpy.ListUsers(admin_workspace)
# Loop through the list of connected users and execute DisconnectUser
# if the user name is in the user_names list
for user in connected_users:
if user.Name in user_names:
print('Disconnecting {0}'.format(user.Name))
arcpy.DisconnectUser(admin_workspace, user.ID)