
The basic workflow in Navigator consists of downloading a map, creating a route, and navigating along that route—all done by a mobile worker within the app.

You may want to provide additional support to your mobile workers by providing them with a custom map to download or by defining shared routes they can use.

There are other ways you may want to deploy additional information to your mobile workers. This topic covers these alternate ways to deploy, including the following:

Copy navigation maps to the device

In addition to downloading maps within Navigator, you can copy (sideload) mobile map packages (MMPKs) directly to your Android or iOS device.


  1. Prepare a mobile map package (.mmpk) using ArcGIS Pro. For details, see Prepare maps.
  2. If you are using a Mac, download the Android File Transfer Utility and follow the instructions provided. If you are using a Windows computer, skip this step.
  3. Plug your device into your computer.
  4. Browse to android/data/com.esri.navigator/files/mappackages on your Android device.

    If the mappackages folder does not exist, you can manually create it.

  5. Drag or copy and paste your .mmpk file from your computer to the android/data/com.esri.navigator/files/mappackages folder on your device.

    To access an MMPK from your computer, you must either save the package to a file in ArcGIS Pro when you create it, or download the MMPK file from your ArcGIS Online content.

  6. Swipe down on the Navigator Maps list on your device to refresh it.

    The .mmpk file appears under On Device in the Maps list.


After a device has been updated to Android 11 or later, Navigator will not be able to open maps that were sideloaded onto the device in the ArcGIS/mmpks folder prior to the update.

You may also be unable to access the device's external storage when connecting to a computer.

To access existing maps and external storage, see How To: Sideload mobile map packages (MMPKs) to ArcGIS Navigator using Android 11.


  1. Prepare a mobile map package (.mmpk) using ArcGIS Pro. For details, see Prepare maps.
  2. Copy your .mmpk file from your computer to the Navigator app on your device using iTunes or the Files app.
    • iTunes—Connect your device to your computer. See Apple Support for details on using iTunes to share files between your computer and your device and follow the steps to copy your .mmpk file from your computer to the Navigator app on your device.

      To access an MMPK from your computer, you must either save the package to a file in ArcGIS Pro when you create it, or download the MMPK file from your ArcGIS Online content.

    • Files app—Use the Files app to copy .mmpk files directly from compatible applications, such as iCloud Drive, Box, or Google Drive. In the Files app, browse to where you uploaded the .mmpk file and copy it to your device, placing it in the Navigator folder. For complete steps, see Apple Support for details on using the Files app on your device.

      Using the Files app requires iOS 11 or later.

  3. Swipe down on the Navigator Maps list on your device to refresh it.

    The .mmpk file appears under On Device in the Maps list.

Open Navigator from a link

Mobile workers can download a map or route in Navigator, or you can provide a URL directly to them. Make it easy for your mobile workers to open the right map and navigate to their work by sharing a link directly to your map or route through an email, text message, web page, QR code, or another app. When tapped, Navigator opens to the map or route you want the mobile worker to use. You can even have a route ready or start navigating when the map opens. Once you've created a link, be sure to test it before sending it to your mobile workers.

Navigator links

Navigator links have the following format:, where parameter and value pairs are replaced with the values you want to use to open a map or route. For example,,+Klamath,+CA+95548 uses the parameter itemID and the value 54b927a0eeab413a885c647d1fa393da to download and open an Esri-provided Navigator map of California with that ID. The stop parameter and 15500+US+101,+Klamath,+CA+95548 value specify that address as the stop coordinates for a route from the mobile worker's current location.


The following parameters are supported with Navigator links. If no parameters are passed, tapping the link opens Navigator (or prompts you to download the app).



The item ID of the mobile map package (MMPK) to download and open in Navigator

  • The item ID is in the URL of the item page for the MMPK. For example, if the item page URL of the MMPK is, the item ID of the MMPK is fc60dfd46b234fbeaa74e76e6b17fb7b.
  • Maps included for use with Navigator are accessible through the Navigator Maps group on


The item ID of the shared route to download and open in Navigator

  • The item ID is in the URL of your route layer's item page. For example, if your route layer's item page URL is, the route layer's item ID is 3ac4145c1ac44aea86e9ed42e00fbb0d.
  • The link cannot include start, stop, optimize, or travelmode.


The location of a stop on the route

  • Use latitude and longitude coordinates, an address, or a feature.
  • Separate coordinates with a comma and no spaces.
  • Addresses and features must be query formatted and URL encoded (spaces can be encoded as + or %20).
  • Features are identified using the same terms used to search for them in the map.
  • The link cannot include routeItemID.


The name associated with a stop on the route

  • Requires stop.
  • Optionally, provide a name for a stop.
  • Must be URL encoded.


A starting location for the route that is different from the mobile worker's current location

  • Requires at least one stop in the link.
  • Optionally, specify a starting point for the route that differs from the mobile device's location.
  • Use latitude and longitude coordinates, an address, or a feature.
  • Separate coordinates with a comma and no spaces (spaces can be encoded as + or %20).
  • Addresses and features must be query formatted and URL encoded.
  • Features are identified using the same terms used to search for them in the map.
  • The link cannot include routeItemID.


The name associated with the start of the route

  • Requires start.
  • Optionally, specify the name of the route's starting point.
  • Must be URL encoded.


Specify whether the order of stops in the route should be optimized

  • Optionally, set this value to true to optimize the route.
  • Defaults to false.
  • The link cannot include routeItemID.


The name of the travel mode to be used when calculating the route

  • Case sensitive.
  • If this parameter is not specified, the map's default travel mode will be used.
  • The map defines which travel modes are available.
  • The link cannot include routeItemID.


Specify whether to immediately start navigation of the route

  • Optionally, set this value to true to open Navigator in navigation mode.
  • Defaults to false.


The URL to call when navigation completes

  • Optionally, specify a URL to open when navigation of the route is complete.
  • If this parameter is specified, the callback link is opened when navigation completes.


The app name to use when Navigator asks the user whether control should be given back to the calling app

  • Requires callback.
  • Optionally, specify the app name to use in Navigator when including a callback in the link.

Continue reading for examples of using these parameters to achieve specific behavior with a Navigator link.


The mobile device must have an internet connection to download maps and routes.

Download and open a map

Download and open a navigation map using the itemID parameter. If the mobile worker has the map downloaded on their device, no download occurs, and the specified map is opened in Navigator.

The following is an example:

Download and open a route

Download and open a shared route using the routeItemID parameter. If the mobile worker has the route downloaded on their device, no download occurs, and the specified route is opened in Navigator.

The following is an example:


If the mobile worker does not have a map open in Navigator that covers the extent of the route provided in the link, they will get an Unable to Calculate Route error. To prevent this, include the itemID for the map you want the worker to use in the link along with the routeItemID.

Display directions to a single location

Display directions to a single location using the stop parameter. The user's current location is used as the starting point. The map's default travel mode is used.

The following are examples:


If the mobile worker does not have a map open in Navigator that covers the extent of the stops provided in the link, they will get a Cannot Calculate Route error. To prevent this, include the itemID for the map you want the worker to use in the link along with the stop locations.

Specify a custom starting point

Use a custom starting point to specify a start location that is different from the mobile worker's current location.

The following example link displays directions between Los Angeles International Airport and Ontario International Airport using their respective airport codes instead of addresses with defined stop and start names:

Generate directions to multiple stops

Generate directions to multiple stops in a single link.

The following example link contains two stops using addresses:,+Arcata,+CA&stop=7707+Tompkins+Hill+Rd,+Eureka,+CA

The following example link contains two stops with two stop names, where one stop uses an address, and the other uses latitude and longitude coordinates:,+Redlands,+CA+92374&stopname=Historical+Glass+Museum&stop=34.05435,-117.18391&stopname=A.+K.+Smiley+Public+Library

Enable route optimization

Navigator optimizes the route of multiple stops when the optimize parameter is included and the value is set to true.

The following example link specifies that the order of the two stops should be optimized:,-124.0861&stop=41.5544,-124.0867&optimize=true

Set the travel mode

Navigator navigation maps can include multiple travel modes. If a value is specified for the travelmode parameter, it will be used when the directions are generated. Otherwise, the default travel mode will be used.

The following example link generates directions to Esri headquarters based on the Trucking Time travel mode:,+Redlands,+CA&stopname=Esri&travelmode=Trucking+Time


The travelmode parameter is case sensitive. The navigation map defines which travel modes are available. The navigation maps that are provided with Navigator have the following travel modes:

  • Driving Time
  • Driving Distance
  • Trucking Time
  • Trucking Distance
  • Walking Time
  • Walking Distance
  • Rural Driving Time
  • Rural Driving Distance

Automatically start navigating

Navigator will automatically begin navigation when the link is tapped if the navigate parameter is specified and set to true.

The following example link generates directions to Esri headquarters and opens Navigator in navigation mode:,+Redlands,+CA&stopname=Esri&navigate=true

Open an app when navigation completes

When linking to Navigator from another app, you can use callback to return to the original app and callbackprompt to notify your users when navigation completes before returning them to the original app. If callbackprompt is not used, control will pass directly back to the original app, and a prompt is not displayed.

The following example link specifies that Navigator should display directions to a single location and that once navigation to that location has been completed, the user should be notified that the app from which Navigator was accessed (in this case, ArcGIS Field Maps) will be opened:,-124.086&callbackprompt=FieldMaps&callback=arcgis-fieldmaps://

Test your links

Once you've created a link, it's ready for testing. While you can test it yourself, it's recommended that you also get feedback from mobile workers—make sure the people using your links can successfully access them.

Before distributing your link for use in the field, make sure it functions as expected. Pay attention to the following:

  • The correct map is opened (and downloaded if it is not already on the device).
  • If the link includes start, stop, or routeItemID, the correct route displays in Navigator.
  • If the link includes stopname or startname, those names are visible in the route Details.
  • If the link includes travelmode, the travel mode specified is being used in Navigator.
  • If the link routes to or from a feature or address, the correct feature or address is used in the route.


When testing your links, you might experience some common issues. Learn how to fix them in the following sections.

Map does not download or open

  • Make sure the map is shared with the mobile workers.
  • Verify that the itemID value matches the id in the map's item page URL.
  • Confirm that the map is a mobile map package by looking at its item page. If not, see Prepare maps for details on how to create one.

Route does not display

  • Verify that the mobile worker's Current map in Navigator covers the extent of the route and the location of the mobile worker.

    In the link, include the itemID for the map you want mobile workers to use with the route.

  • Parameters must be URL encoded. Spaces must be encoded as + or %20.
  • If the link includes routeItemID, do the following:
    • Make sure the route layer is shared with the mobile workers.
    • Verify that the routeItemID value matches the id in the route layer's item page URL.
    • Confirm that the item is a route layer by looking at its item page. If not, see Create shared routes for details on how to create one.

Search does not return the desired results

  • If addresses aren't returned, make sure the map contains a general address locator. See Add a general address locator.
  • If features aren't returned, or the wrong features are returned, verify that the layer in the map is enabled for asset search and using the correct field. See Enable search.

Mobile device management

Mobile device management (MDM) refers to software used for the administration of mobile devices in an organization. An MDM is used to enhance data and network security as well as to set and enforce mobile device policies. Additionally, using an MDM increases the efficiency of app deployments and management for mobile devices, including controlling how and when an app is updated. To learn more about how Esri approaches MDM, see ArcGIS Secure Mobile Implementation Patterns in the ArcGIS Trust Center.

When preparing to deploy Navigator to your organization's mobile devices through MDM, there are some application and profile settings you may want to configure. These include portal URL, local authentication, and per-app VPN settings.


If you’re using an Android device, Chrome or another browser must be installed and enabled to display the portal sign-in screen.

Navigator app configuration

App configuration (also referred to as AppConfig) refers to a format for providing application settings such as portal URL and local authentication, among others. Instead of configuring these settings manually each time a mobile app is installed, you can use your MDM to specify and apply app configurations automatically. These settings are defined as a dictionary of key-value pairs in an XML file. How the dictionary is created depends on the MDM you're using. To learn more about app configuration, visit the AppConfig Community.

Navigator has the following settings that can be implemented with app configuration in your MDM:



Your organization's portal URL

  • When Navigator is launched, it skips directly to the sign-in screen for your organization's portal.
  • For example,
  • The value type is string.



iOS only.

Specify whether to use the biometric and passcode authentication method set up on the mobile device when Navigator is launched or brought forward from the background

  • Touch ID, Face ID, or passcode security must be set on the mobile device to enable local authentication.
  • Set this value to true to enable local authentication.
  • The value type is Boolean.

Per-app virtual private network

Configuring a per-app virtual private network (per-app VPN) in your MDM allows you to restrict access to internal resources to specific managed apps. Navigator can be deployed with this configuration. To set up per-app VPN for use with Navigator, see the software documentation for the MDM you are using.


If you're on iOS and using ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.1 or later, Safari is used to display the portal sign-in screen in Navigator. For this to work correctly with a per-app VPN enabled, your portal domain (for example, must be specified in the Safari Domains setting in the per-app VPN profile you're using. If Safari Domains is not set correctly, the assigned mobile devices cannot access the Navigator portal sign-in screen.

When you set a Safari Domain in the per-app VPN profile as described above, the Safari Browser app can also access the portal domain you specified in the Safari Domains setting. If you want to block this access, configure an iOS Restriction (if available in your MDM) to Block Safari Browser App on the desired devices.

After you've configured the per-app VPN settings for Navigator in your MDM, when the app is launched on a managed mobile device, it will automatically connect to the designated per-app VPN. When Navigator is running in the background, the per-app VPN is still connected, but only to Navigator. When Navigator is closed, the mobile device automatically disconnects from the per-app VPN.