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This list includes common questions about ArcGIS Hub.


What is the difference between a site and an initiative?

An initiative requires a subscription to ArcGIS Hub Premium and enables members to bundle content around a project, topic, or goal. Every initiative includes a site, a core team, and the ability to send updates and content to specific audiences, including the public. Core team members can also create a template of the initiative (including its site, apps, and pages), so that others within the organization or community can configure standardized content as their own.

A site, in comparison, is one element of an initiative that provides internal and public audiences with a place to sign in, search for and download content, and find events and surveys. Each site can also have multiple pages, so that you can build out a comprehensive, branded experience for the initiative.

Every subscription to ArcGIS Online includes access to ArcGIS Hub Basic, giving members the ability to try hub by creating sites. Like initiatives, every site includes a core team, so that multiple people within the organization can work on the site. Unlike initiatives, you cannot create templates of a site and its content, nor can external stakeholders, such as partners, students, or volunteers, be added to a core team. Sites also only support internal messaging.

For more information, see ArcGIS Hub Pricing.

How do I create an open data site?

To create an open data site, simply create a new site or use the Share Open Data template (ArcGIS Hub Premium only) and use your site's content library to upload or select the content you want to make available for download. If you or an administrator have already organized content into public groups, you can use the Groups Manager to add content to your site in bulk. Once you've added content, you can use category cards, gallery cards, and the search card to display the content on your site.


You no longer need to enable your ArcGIS Online organization for open data or designate groups as open data to share public content for download. However, the open data capability is still available for organizations who want to federate their open data. It also enables content to be discoverable in searches made on

Do I need an account to download data?

People do not need an account to download open (publicly shared) data. Organizations that have a subscription to ArcGIS Hub Premium can provide community accounts to the public so that people can mark datasets as favorites and store their downloads for up to 48 hours.

Data that is shared privately with a group, such as a core team, or with every member of the ArcGIS Online organization, requires a member to sign in with their account credentials to access and download items.

How will upgrading to ArcGIS Hub Premium affect my existing content (sites, pages, data, and so on)?

When an organization licenses ArcGIS Hub Premium, existing content is not impacted by upgrading. The only change is that existing sites will change to initiatives. This happens because initiatives provide access to premium features, including templates and events.

Is ArcGIS Hub available on ArcGIS Enterprise?

Organizations that have licensed ArcGIS Enterprise have access to ArcGIS Enterprise Sites. ArcGIS Enterprise Sites is the equivalent to ArcGIS Hub basic and enables teams to create unlimited websites and web pages on-premises. ArcGIS Enterprise Sites does not include ArcGIS Hub Premium features (for example, the events management system, initiatives, templates, and community accounts).

How do sites and pages appear as search results when using Google?

Google displays a site in the following format:

{site name}

{text from the site layout that Google finds relevant for the given query}

A site and its linked page are displayed in the following format:

{page name} - {site name}

{text from the page layout that google thinks is relevant for the given query}

Content management

How soon after I make an update will it show up in downloads?

When a download request is made, one of two things happens:

  • For hosted services, ArcGIS Hub checks for changes before refreshing the cache. If a dataset has been changed or updated since the cache was made, ArcGIS Hub refreshes the cache. Otherwise, the download comes from the previous cache.
  • For services hosted elsewhere (for example, on-premises servers), ArcGIS Hub refreshes the cache if it has been more than 24 hours since the last refresh. If it is within the 24-hour window, the user gets the data as it was last cached.

Why are my content URLs a series of numbers?

If you notice that your dataset URL displays a series of numbers, it means that your organization does not have anonymous access enabled. ArcGIS Hub needs to access your ArcGIS Online organization anonymously to do things like render a more human-readable URL, and when that option is disabled, it renders the dataset using the item ID. If possible, it's recommended that you enable anonymous access in your ArcGIS Online organization settings by following the steps provided in Configure security.

Where does the update date come from?

There are three places ArcGIS Hub checks when writing the Last Updated date. If an administrator has explicitly set a revised date in the metadata editor in ArcGIS Online, it will use that date. If not, then depending on whichever was updated more recently, it will use either of the following:

  • The last time the item was edited or opened in ArcGIS Online
  • The last time an update was made to the service (if editor tracking is enabled)

Where does Source come from

When returning the source for a given piece of content (item), ArcGIS Hub follows a hierarchy. First, if an organization name is set in the formal metadata editor, ArcGIS Hub will use one of those values. If not, ArcGIS Hub checks a few places in ArcGIS Online. Here's the hierarchy:

  1. Resource > Citation > Contact > Organization Name
  2. Resource > Contact > Organization Name
  3. Organization name in ArcGIS Online
  4. Item Owner in ArcGIS Online

In questo argomento
  1. General
  2. Content management