Migration FAQ

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |    |  

Answers to frequently asked questions about migrating from ArcGIS Web AppBuilder to ArcGIS Experience Builder are provided.

Will my apps continue to work after retirement?

Yes, pursuant to the following:

  • Developer edition—Yes. However, no further bug fixes or enhancements will be made. Updates to your browsers could introduce functional or security issues which will not be addressed by Esri. In addition, Esri technical support will no longer be available.
  • ArcGIS Enterprise—Yes. ArcGIS Web AppBuilder continues to be fully supported and will continue to be supported in accordance with the ArcGIS Enterprise product life cycle. However, only critical bug fixes will be made, such as security updates; otherwise, Web AppBuilder is in maintenance mode with no functional enhancements planned.
  • ArcGIS Online—Yes. The existing ArcGIS Web AppBuilder apps that you built will continue to work. However, you will not be able to create apps or edit existing apps after retirement. No further bug fixes or enhancements will be made. Updates to your browsers could introduce functional or security issues, which will not be addressed by Esri. In addition, Esri technical support will no longer be available.

What actions should I take to mitigate the impact of this retirement?

ArcGIS Web AppBuilder apps can be migrated to ArcGIS Experience Builder. For ArcGIS Web AppBuilder in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise, watch this migration video. For custom apps, including custom widgets and themes that were created with the developer edition, visit this topic for tips, techniques, and best practices for rebuilding widgets and themes in the developer edition of ArcGIS Experience Builder.

Some ArcGIS Web AppBuilder widgets will not be migrated to ArcGIS Experience Builder on a one-to-one basis because their functionality exists in equivalent Experience Builder widgets. In other cases, the functionality of a Web AppBuilder widget is now available as an ArcGIS capability, for example, clustering on feature layers, and is available for use in Experience Builder without a widget. In a few cases, a functionality included in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder was highly specialized and is best used through a dedicated app inArcGIS Instant Apps. Details for all of these scenarios are available in the Web AppBuilder widgets available in Experience Builder topic.

In addition, you can consider replacing Web AppBuilder apps using other ArcGIS products such as ArcGIS Instant Apps, ArcGIS Dashboards, and ArcGIS StoryMaps.

Will I be able to add custom widgets to ArcGIS Enterprise?

Starting with ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0, you can add Experience Builder custom widgets to ArcGIS Enterprise the same way you did for Web AppBuilder. We recommend that you redevelop your Web AppBuilder custom widgets for Experience Builder. Adding Web AppBuilder custom widgets to ArcGIS Enterprise is a deprecated capability, which relied on a now unsupported developer edition version of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder.

Will I be able to continue to download the developer edition after retirement?

Yes. You will be able to download existing versions of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder developer edition from the ArcGIS Developers website after retirement. The developer edition pages on the ArcGIS Developers website will be updated to reflect the status of ArcGIS Web AppBuilder as retired technology.