What's new in ArcGIS Urban

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

ArcGIS Urban in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4 is equivalent to the Urban June 2024 release with ArcGIS Online.

New features


The following new features and general improvements are available in Urban in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4:

  • Create a copy of a plan or a design project.
  • Use editing constraints for length and angles when creating polygon geometries, such as buildings, parcels, and study areas.
  • When you create an urban model, you can now set the custom elevation layer for all urban models.
  • The import dialog box includes the following improvements:
    • In the sublayer step, layers are now filtered and visualized by geometry type.
    • In the validation step, the header is shown in red when all values of a field are invalid, indicating that the wrong field has been matched.


The Parcel information side panel now displays additional information about existing and future land use when clicking a parcel in the overview.

Data manager and plan configuration

In both the data manager and plan configuration, you can reorder the list of space use types and choose the order in which they are displayed in the legend and in other places in the plan editor.

Plan editing

The following new features and improvements were added to the plan editing experience:

  • The Edit spaces tool has been improved:
    • You can now add a ground space use type to the parcel.
    • If the ground is overlapped by building spaces or surfaces, those parts are not counted toward the legend and dashboard.
    • A warning now appears for cases where overlaps cannot be resolved, specifically when surfaces or building spaces overlap.
    • When you export a scenario to a web scene, the ground is included as well.
  • In plan scenarios, you can now add a custom elevation layer to visualize scenario-specific changes in the terrain.
  • In the Parcel suitability tool, external layer criteria now support sublayers.

Known limitations

The following sections list known limitations of this release.

Urban in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4

The following are known limitations specific to Urban in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.4:

  • There is no example city.
  • ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World data is not included when you create an urban model using the USA Default template.
  • You cannot copy urban models.
  • You cannot copy projects that you uploaded to the urban database. See Manage projects to learn more.
  • The public feedback and internal discussion features are not available for plans and projects.

General known limitations

The following are general known limitations of Urban:

  • The Select basemap dialog box only displays basemaps if you configured a basemap gallery in your organization. See the Configure map topic in the ArcGIS Enterprise documentation to learn more about configuring the basemap gallery.
  • The data manager and plan configuration currently support a maximum of 1,000 features per table. Adding more than 1,000 features can lead to validation errors when uploading related data—for example, uploading future buildings to an urban model with more than 1,000 projects.
  • The number of vertices of the study area geometry can impact the performance when loading the plan and when editing parcels. Consider simplifying the study area geometry before importing it. See Simplify Polygon to learn how you can do this with ArcGIS Pro.

  • The number of parcels per scenario can impact the performance when coloring the parcels according to the calculated suitability score. Consider creating a scenario web scene that includes the suitability scores and configure it as scenario context to reduce the loading time for visualizing suitability scores in the plan editor. See Work with scenario web scenes to learn how to export suitability scores and Configure scenario context to learn how to add a scenario context.
  • You cannot copy urban models, plans, and projects from a coordinate system with metric units to a coordinate system with US Standard units and vice versa. This is due to a platform limitation for vertical coordinates. You will receive an error message when trying to copy to a coordinate system with a different unit.
  • Basemaps that you published in a way that their spatial reference includes a WKT (well-known text) instead of a WKID (well-known ID) identifier currently cannot be used to create or copy urban models.
  • Feature services that you published in a way that their spatial reference includes a WKT (well-known text) instead of a WKID (well-known ID) identifier currently cannot be used to import data to Urban.
  • In the Copy parcels tool, you can choose how to handle parcel overlaps. If parcels need to be clipped, multipart features might be created. Applying building types, showing envelopes, and editing parcel edges is currently not fully supported on those parcels. Use the split tool to split multipart parcels after copying.