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Monitor a workspace

Reality Studio 2024.1    |

You can monitor the status of distributed processing in a workspace.

To monitor a workspace, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Project tab.
  2. Click Distributed Processing.
  3. Click Monitor a Workspace .
  4. Browse to the workspace you want to monitor.
  5. Click OK.

If there are no active jobs in a workspace, the No Active Jobs warning message appears.

The Workspace Monitor and Process Manager panes are opened where you can monitor the distributed processing.

Monitor contributing nodes

For a more detailed overview of the workstations assigned to a workspace as nodes, you can monitor them.

To monitor processing nodes on a workspace, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Process Manager pane, click Open the workspace monitor pane on the widget of a reconstruction currently being processed.

    The Workspace Monitor pane appears.

  2. In the Workspace Monitor pane, click the Nodes tab.

The table to monitor processing nodes appears.

The Nodes tab provides an overview of the active workstations assigned to the workspace. Individual columns include information about the job a node is working on, its current status, and its progress.

Monitor jobs

For an overview of the jobs in a workspace, you can monitor them.

To monitor jobs in a workspace, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Process Manager pane, click Open the workspace monitor pane on the widget of a reconstruction currently being processed.
  2. In the Workspace Monitor pane, click the Jobs tab.

    The Jobs tab provides an overview of the status and progress of all jobs in a workspace along with information about which node is currently working on a particular task. Additionally, a widget is added to the Monitoring section of the Process Manager pane providing a general overview of the job.

  3. Optionally, click a row in the Workspace Monitor pane to select it and click Job Monitor to see detailed information on each task within a job.

    The Job Monitor view contains detailed information about each task within a job.