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Export a reconstruction

Reality Studio 2024.1    |

You can export a reconstruction product after it is generated. The export tool allows you to customize your reconstruction products. You can convert a reconstruction to different formats, apply a region of interest, resample raster products, change tiling on some raster and point cloud products, and project from the reconstruction coordinate system to another.

Export reconstruction results

To export a reconstruction, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, select the reconstruction to export.
  2. On the Reconstruction tab, click Export .

    The Export Reconstruction Results pane appears.

  3. Type a name for your export in the Export Name box.
  4. In Output Directory, click Browse .

    The Select output directory browse dialog box appears.

  5. Browse to the desired location and click OK.
  6. Under Products to Export, select the products you want to export.
  7. In the Formats section, click the formats drop-down menu of the product type you want to convert to and select your desired formats.

    Multiple formats can be selected for each product type at once.

    If advanced export settings are needed, continue to the next section before exporting.

  8. Click Export.

The reconstruction is exported.

A folder with the reconstruction export name is created containing the corresponding products. Your reconstruction results are divided into one folder per product type and per product format.

Apply advanced export settings (optional)

Advanced export settings allow you to apply a region of interest, resample raster products, change tiling on some raster and point cloud products, and project from the reconstruction coordinate system to another. These settings are all optional.

  1. Expand the Advanced Export Settings drop-down arrow.
  2. Check the Apply Region of Interest check box.
  3. Click the Method drop-down arrow and choose an option.

    If you choose Extent Outline, click the Specify outline geometry drop-down arrow and the geometry file containing the region of interest.

    If you choose Bounding Box, enter values for the four coordinates to define the bounding box that will be used to clip the raster.

  4. Check the Resample Raster check box to change the spatial resolution of your raster products based on the specified ground sampling distance.
  5. In the Ground sampling distance text box, enter the appropriate distance.
  6. Check the Change Tiling check box to divide the raster and point cloud products into smaller pieces based on the chosen method.
  7. Click the Tiling Method drop-down arrow and choose the appropriate method.

    If you choose Tile Size and Origin, specify the tile size and origin in the Tile Size text box. Under Tile Origin, indicate the X and Y values of the origin.

    If you choose Split Polygon Geometry, specify a polygon geometry to split the products. Under Specify split polygon geometry, click Browse and browse to the tiling geometry. Click OK.


    Only rasters in TIF format can be tiled. Point clouds in SLPK format cannot be tiled.

  8. Check the Project Raster Products check box to project the raster products from the reconstruction coordinate system to another.
  9. Click the Select coordinate system button . In the Spatial Reference window, choose the desired coordinate system, and click OK.
  10. Check the Project Point Cloud Products check box to project the point cloud products from the reconstruction coordinate system to another.
  11. Click the Select coordinate system button . In the Spatial Reference window, choose the desired coordinate system, and click OK.
  12. Check the Project Mesh Products check box to project the mesh products from the reconstruction coordinate system to another.
  13. Click the Select coordinate system button . In the Spatial Reference window, choose the desired coordinate system, and click OK.
  14. Click Export.

The reconstruction is exported.

A folder with the reconstruction export name is created containing the corresponding products. Your reconstruction results are divided into one folder per product type and per product format with the advanced export settings applied.