Image optimization is an optional operation performed for each camera session and refers to the retiling, pyramid creation, and statistics computation of images. Image optimization is recommended for optimal rendering performance.
Images that meet certain criteria are automatically considered optimized and excluded from image optimization. For an image to be considered optimized, the following criteria must be met:
- Tiling—The image has square tiles and their dimensions are between 128 and 256 pixels in length.
- Pyramids—The image has pyramids and the largest dimension of the smallest pyramid is 1024 pixels or less.
To optimize camera session images, complete the following steps:
- In the Project Tree pane, select the camera session.
The Camera Session tab appears.
- On the Camera Session tab, click Optimize Images.
Alternatively, in the Project Tree pane, right-click the camera session, and click Optimize Images.
The Image Optimization dialog box appears showing the number of images that can be optimized.
- On the Image Optimization dialog box, click OK.
The image optimization widget appears in the Process Manager pane showing the processing status.