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Inspect a camera session

Reality Studio 2024.1    |

There are several ways to verify the correctness of the data imported to a camera session. You can inspect camera sessions in the following ways:

  • Ensure that the camera positions are located on the correct area in the Globe view.
  • Verify that image footprints overlap each other as expected and cover the expected extent.
  • Process and inspect dynamic orthos to verify that the image rotations are correct.
  • Use the camera session inspector view to review the values of the imported orientations, determine which orientations have images associated with them, and view the individual images.

Locate camera positions

When a camera session is created, each camera position is displayed in the Globe view as a square pyramid (frustum). You can confirm that the camera positions are located in the correct area in space and each pyramid is pointing in the expected direction. For example, nadir images should have the apex of the pyramid pointing upward.


If the camera positions are in the wrong location or the camera positions are oriented incorrectly, the orientation data may have been imported incorrectly, or the data does not comply with the expected coordinate system convention.

To locate camera positions, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, click the Visualization tab.
  2. Expand the camera session of interest, and check the Camera Positions check box.

The camera positions are visible in the Globe view.

Verify image footprints

You can view image footprints to verify that their extent covers the expected area and their overlap is correct.


If camera positions are correct but image footprints are not, the camera parameters may be incorrect or the wrong vertical coordinate system may have been specified.

To verify image footprints, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, click the Visualization tab.
  2. Expand the camera session of interest, and check the Image Footprints check box.

The image footprints are visible in the Globe view.

Create and inspect a dynamic ortho

Once images are added to a camera session, you can process a dynamic ortho. A dynamic ortho is a georeferenced image generated from an image collection and their orientations in the Globe view.

Create a dynamic ortho

To create a dynamic ortho, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, select the camera session.

    The Camera Session tab appears.

  2. On the Camera Session tab, click Generate Dynamic Ortho.

    Alternatively, in the Project Tree pane, right-click the camera session, and click Generate Dynamic Ortho.

    The Dynamic Ortho Generation widget appears in the Process Manager pane showing the processing status.

  3. You can monitor the image optimization progress in the Process Manager pane, which you can open from the View tab.

Inspect a dynamic ortho

Once a dynamic ortho is created, you can inspect it to verify that the images cover the expected area and they are oriented correctly.


If the images are oriented incorrectly, it may be due to incorrect camera parameters or the orientation data may have been imported incorrectly.

To inspect a dynamic ortho, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, click the Visualization tab.
  2. Expand the camera session of interest and check the Dynamic Ortho check box.

Use the camera session inspector view

You can use the camera session inspector view to review the attributes of the imported orientations, verify which orientations have images assigned to them, and view individual images.

The table includes various attributes of the imported orientation data, such as the position coordinates (x,y,z), rotation angles (omega, phi, and kappa), image name, image path, and image status.


The Status attribute is shown as a symbol and refers to the status of the images assigned to the orientations. The image status can be one of the following:

  • Gray image with a line across it—A valid image has not been associated with the orientation entry.
  • Color image with a triangular warning sign—A valid image has been associated with the orientation data and the image is not optimized.
  • Color image—A valid image has been associated with the orientation data and the image is optimized.

You can inspect the various orientation attributes for correctness, as well as the images in the image viewer.

Open the camera session inspector view

To open the camera session inspector view, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Project Tree pane, select the camera session of interest.

    The Camera Session tab appears.

  2. On the Camera Session tab, click Inspect.


    Alternatively, in the Project Tree pane, right-click the camera session of interest, and click Inspect.

The camera session inspector view appears.

View an image

To view an image associated with a specific orientation, click its row number in the table.

The image appears in the image panel. You can pan and zoom in the panel to inspect the image.