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Use the model

You can use the Building Point Classification pretrained model in the Classify Point Cloud Using Trained Model tool available in the 3D Analyst toolbox in ArcGIS Pro. Follow the steps below to use the model for classifying building points in point clouds.

  1. Add the point cloud dataset in ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Click the Analysis tab and browse to Tools.
    Tools under the Analysis tab in ArcGIS Pro
  3. Click the Toolboxes tab in the Geoprocessing pane, select 3D Analyst Tools, and browse to the Classify Point Cloud Using Trained Model tool under Classification (Deep Learning) in Point Cloud.
    Classify Point Cloud Using Trained Model
  4. Set the variables under the Parameters tab as follows:
    1. Target Point Cloud—Select the point cloud dataset.
    2. Processing Boundary (optional)—Select the boundary to process a selected area.
    3. Input Model Definition—Select the pretrained model .dlpk file.
    4. Target Classification (optional)—The class codes from the trained model that will be used to classify the input point cloud.
    5. Existing Class Code Handling (optional)—Select the appropriate option to specify how the editable points from the input point cloud will be defined.

      Use this to control noise or preserve preclassified points.

      Classify Point Cloud Using Trained Model tool parameters
  5. Click Run.

    When processing finishes, the input point cloud dataset is updated with the predicted class codes.

    Input point cloud dataset with the predicted class codes