Allow selected features to interact with Power BI


Standard users can perform all the functions of this workflow; you do not need to sign in to an ArcGIS account.

You can use reference layers and buffer/drive-time layers to add context to Microsoft Power BI data.

See Selection tools to learn about the available tools for selecting features.

When you select features on a data layer using the selection tools, Power BI visualizations, such as charts and graphs, automatically update to show information about the selected features. When you select features on a reference or buffer/drive-time layer, you can update Power BI visualizations.

To select features on a reference or buffer/drive time layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Expand the map tools.
  2. Click the Select features button Select features.

    The Select features pane appears.

  3. Choose a reference layer or buffer/drive time layer from the Active layer drop-down menu.

    The  Interact with Power BI Visuals  check box appears in the Select features pane and is selected by default.

  4. Uncheck the Interact with Power BI Visuals check box if you do not want the features you select to automatically update your  Power BI visualizations.
  5. Select features using the selection tools.

    Selected features are highlighted on the map and unselected features are not available.  Power BI visualizations are updated if you left the Interact with Power BI Visuals check box checked.