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Common problems and solutions

ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 (Windows)   |

This topic lists questions or issues that you may encounter when working with ArcGIS Monitor and suggests possible solutions. If you don't find the issue you're looking for, you can also search for articles on the Esri Technical Support website.





Is an installation log or summary stored somewhere for me to review later?

The installation is not automatically logged, but if you run the installation from the command line, you can include parameters that create a log file. The example below creates a log of the installation on drive C. However, the log can be created anywhere on the local machine.

<Path to ArcGIS Monitor download folder>\setup.exe /L*V C:\ArcGIS_Monitor.log


Windows Installer requires the System account to have full control of the system drive and the target drive.

Why are some folders left behind after uninstalling?

When you uninstall Monitor, some folders and files are left on disk. These are left for your convenience if you reinstall or upgrade the product. If you don't plan to reinstall, you can delete these files.

You may notice persisting files located at C:\Users\<ArcGIS Monitor account username>\AppData\Local\ESRI\ArcGISMonitor\config-store.

Leaving this folder preserves your properties, logs, and supporting files that you might want to keep if you reinstall.

I get an error message about my license being expired.

If you receive a message about your license being expired, contact Esri Technical Support to obtain a new license and reauthorize ArcGIS Monitor.

Once the license, has been updated, you'll need to restart the ArcGIS Monitor Server service using the Windows Services manager for the changes to take effect.


How do I change the ArcGIS Monitor account?

After you install Monitor, you can manually change the account using your operating system's tools.

Will Monitor work in a disconnected environment?

Monitor can be deployed in an environment where there is no internet connection or internet access is prohibited by your organization. Monitor does require network access to register and communicate with monitored components such as ArcGIS software, databases, and your underlying hardware infrastructure. In most cases, only intranet access is required. If your enterprise GIS implementation is distributed across multiple network environments, internet access may be required to allow communication between Monitor Server and Monitor Agent machines.

Can I safely rename a Monitor machine in a deployment?

Yes. Monitor Server automatically detects a machine name change, but you must restart the ArcGIS Monitor Server service using the Windows Services manager.

Depending on your site deployment, you may need to perform some additional steps to ensure proper configuration of the new machine name:

I receive a database disconnected error when I try to register a database or when I try to access Monitor.

These errors can appear for multiple reasons, such as the database machine or instance is not available, the database is not accessible due to firewall rules, the credentials are invalid, and so on.


I can't sign in to Monitor.

To sign in to Monitor, you must provide a username and password. Usernames and passwords are case sensitive. You must provide the proper case to sign in. Contact your Monitor administrator to find out which username and password you should use. If you are the administrator, provide the username and password that you specified.

Learn more about accessing Monitor