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Authorize ArcGIS Monitor Server

ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 (Windows)   |

A valid authorization file is required to run ArcGIS Monitor Server. Once the installation is complete, the software authorization wizard must be opened manually using the search function in your computer's start menu. Use the wizard to authorize the ArcGIS Monitor Server installation with an ArcGIS Monitor license.

Learn how to obtain an authorization file

Authorize Monitor Server using a wizard

Complete the following steps to authorize ArcGIS Monitor Server:

  1. Open the software authorization wizard from your computer's start menu.
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    • I have already installed my software and need to authorize it—Use this option if you used the installation wizard and are not reinstalling or repairing Monitor Server or installing any extensions.
    • I have already authorized the software and need to authorize additional extensions—Use this option if you have custom extensions to install.
    • I have received an authorization file and am now ready to finish the authorization process—Use this option if you already installed ArcGIS Monitor but stopped the installation before authorizing your software. This option is most commonly used as part of a silent installation.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Choose one of the following options to authorize the software:
    • Authorize with Esri now using the internet (Recommended)—Choose this option to proceed through the software authorization wizard and obtain your authorization code.
    • Authorize at Esri's website or by email to receive your authorization file—Choose this option if you're authorizing in a disconnected environment.

Authorize Monitor Server silently

Run the following command to authorize ArcGIS Monitor Server silently, editing the command line where necessary to reflect the actual authorization file location:

<ArcGIS Monitor installation location>\tools\softwareauthorization\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /S /Ver 11.0 /LIF <path to .prvc authorization file>


The .prvc authorization file must have all user information completed before running the command to authorize ArcGIS Server silently. Open the authorization file in a text editor and complete the User Information section.