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Manage Monitor Agent machines

ArcGIS Monitor 2023.0 (Windows)   |

You can view and manage ArcGIS Monitor Agent machines from the Agents tab on the Monitoring page and access a Monitor Agent machine's Overview, Catalog, and Settings pages by clicking the name of a Monitor Agent machine.

View Monitor Agent details and components

You can view details about a Monitor Agent machine from its Overview page and a list of its components from its Components page. You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to view Monitor Agent details and components. To view a Monitor Agent machine's details and a list of its components, complete these steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor, if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click the Monitoring tab.

    The Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Agents tab.

    The Agents page appears with a list of Monitor Agent machines and the following connection status icons:

    Status: Connected

    Indicates that Monitor Agent is connected to Monitor Server

    Status: Disconnected

    Indicates that Monitor Agent is not connected to Monitor Server


    Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query and filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to show and hide. You can also search for specific Monitor Agent machines by typing a keyword in the Search by agent name text box.

  4. Click the name of the Monitor Agent machine you want to view.

    The Monitor Agent machine's Overview page appears with details and metrics.


    Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query to filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to hide or show. You can also search for specific collections by typing a keyword in the Search by agent name or description text box.

  5. Click the Catalog tab.

    The collection's Catalog page appears with a list of its components sorted alphabetically by component name.


    Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query to filter the list, click Hide to choose which columns to hide or show, click Labels Filter by labels to filter the list by the chosen label, and click the categories at the side of the page to filter the list by the chosen category. You can also search for specific components by typing a keyword in the Search by component name or address text box.

    Learn more about managing components

Edit Monitor Agent settings

You can edit Monitor Agent settings such as its name and description. To edit Monitor Agent settings, complete these steps:

  1. Access Monitor, if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click the Monitoring tab.

    The Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Agents tab.

    The Agents page appears with a list of Monitor Agent machines.


    Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query and filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to show and hide. You can also search for specific Monitor Agent machines by typing a keyword in the Search by agent name text box.

  4. Click More options More options for the Monitor Agent machine for which you want to configure settings and click Edit in Settings.

    The Settings page appears.

  5. Click Edit next to Name on the Settings page.

    The Edit Agent dialog box appears.

  6. Update the name and description of the Monitor Agent machine in the Name and Description text boxes as necessary.
  7. Click Save.

    The name and description of the Monitor Agent machine is updated.

Disconnect a Monitor Agent connection

If you need to reconnect a Monitor Agent connection or transfer its responsibilities to another machine, you must disconnect it from ArcGIS Monitor Server before registering it as an existing Monitor Agent.


The Monitor Agent connection that resides on the Monitor Server machine is managed by Monitor Server and can't be disconnected.

To disconnect a Monitor Agent connection, complete these steps:

  1. Open a web browser on the Monitor Agent machine and go to https://localhost:30443/arcgis/monitor.

    The Agent Home page appears.


    The Agent Home page can only be accessed using the localhost connection from the machine on which it's installed.

  2. Click Disconnect.

    A confirmation message appears.

  3. Click Disconnect to disconnect Monitor Agent from Monitor Server.

    The Monitor Agent machine is disconnected.

You can now refresh the Monitor Agent connection or transfer its responsibilities to another machine by registering it as an existing Monitor Agent machine.

Unregister Monitor Agent

You can unregister Monitor Agent to completely remove it from your Monitor deployment. All registered components associated with Monitor Agent, including their subcomponents, attributes, metrics, observers, and alerts, are deleted.


Unregistering Monitor Agent is permanent and cannot be undone.

To unregister Monitor Agent, complete these steps:

  1. Access Monitor, if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click the Monitoring tab.

    The Monitoring page appears.

  3. Click the Agents tab.

    The Agents page appears with a list of Monitor Agent machines.


    Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Filter to create a query and filter the list, and click Hide to choose which columns to show and hide. You can also search for specific Monitor Agent machines by typing a keyword in the Search by agent name text box.

  4. Click More options More options for the Monitor Agent machine that you want to unregister and click Unregister.

    A confirmation message appears.


    The Monitor Agent connection that resides on the Monitor Server machine is managed by Monitor Server and can't be unregistered.

  5. Click Unregister to unregister the Monitor Agent machine.

    The Monitor Agent machine is unregistered and all of its associated components, including their subcomponents, attributes, metrics, observers, and alerts, are deleted.

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