Responder mission list

ArcGIS 11.4    |    |  

After logging into the app, the first thing users will see is the list of Active Missions. This displays all of the missions that ArcGIS Mission Responder users have access to, meaning all of the missions in active status that the user is a member of.

Missions are displayed with their name and thumbnail, as well as the date the mission was most recently modified. From here, users have several options, detailed below.

Enter the Responder Settings screen

ArcGIS Mission Responder allows users to change certain settings that impact the way they interact with the mission. To enter the Responder settings screen, tap the profile avatar in the top left of the screen.

Settings that can be changed include changing location reporting strategy, entering dark mode, or connecting third party hardware to the Responder app, among others. For more information see Responder Settings.

Enter Mission Details

Responder users have the option to enter a mission and learn about it without actively becoming a participant. This is done by accessing the Mission Details screen, which contains a series of tabs that provide additional context, information, and resources to users.

To view the mission details from the mission list, select your mission and tap Details. Additionally, tapping anywhere on the mission card (including the thumbnail) will take you into the mission details screen. For more information, see Mission Details.

Enter the Mission Map

The mission map is the active part of the Responder experience, where users can communicate with others in the mission, see their location on the map, and fulfill other mission actions. Entering the mission map changes the user's status to active, and shows their location on the mission map.

To enter the mission map, locate your mission in the mission list and tap Mission Map. This will take you to whichever map is currently set as default for the mission. For more information, see Active Mission.