
ArcGIS 11.4    |    |  

The Report tool allows Responder users to gather and submit information relevant to the mission, using a predetermined and optimized format. When a report is submitted, it is saved as part of the mission and made available to other mission members.

The reports tool contains three tabs; Submit Reports, Sensor Reports, and View All. You can swipe left and right to change tabs, or tap the tab titles to open them.


The Sensor Reports tab only appears if sensor reports have been enabled for the mission.

Reports can be submitted independently or as part of a task. A report can include a variety of fields, such as notes and images, among others. Once submitted, a report becomes available to the rest of the mission, both on the mission map and in the View All tab.

There are two types of reports that can be submitted: mission reports and sensor reports. Mission reports can feature a number of fields for submitting information in a variety of ways, requiring that the user gather and organize that information into the report form before submitting it. Sensor reports are configured to submit information automatically and do not have fields that the user can interact with. They are submitted when the user triggers a piece of third-party hardware.

Information about interactions with third-party hardware, as well as options for connecting and disconnecting new devices, are displayed in the Responder Settings.

Submit a mission report

A mission report may have multiple fields available for editing. All report fields are editable up until the time that the report is submitted, after which the report cannot be accessed by anyone except in read-only mode. To submit a mission report, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the mission map screen.
  2. Tap Reports to display the list of available reports.

    Mission Reports are displayed by default.

  3. Locate the report you want to submit in the list and tap the Submit Report icon.

    A dialog box appears with report location options.

  4. Tap one of the following:
    • Define Custom Report Location—Choosing this requires you to place a pin on the mission map where the report will be located.
    • Use Device Location—Your report will be placed at the point on the map that your device is currently reporting for its location.

    Once you have chosen a location for your report, the report template will open so that you can enter your information.

  5. Fill in any required fields in the report form.

    It is recommended that you complete all fields available, to provide the greatest amount of information, but this may not always be possible. Required fields must have some data entered before the Submit Report button becomes available.

  6. Tap Submit Report.

If you have completed the report form correctly before tapping Submit Report, you will receive a message stating that the report was submitted successfully. Otherwise, you will receive an error message and can attempt to submit the report again.

Submit a sensor report

The sensor report submission process is much more optimized than the process for submitting a mission report, but it does require that the hardware integration has been completed. To view sensor reports in ArcGIS Mission Responder, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the mission map screen.
  2. Tap Reports.
  3. Tap the Sensor Reports subtab.

The available sensor reports for each device are listed under the device header with their associated device actions. To submit a sensor report, perform the device action on the piece of third-party hardware, and the associated report will be submitted.

View submitted reports

When a report has been submitted, it appears on the mission map and in the View All tab. On the mission map, reports appear as points that can be tapped to open the report details. To access a submitted report from the View All tab, complete the following workflow:

  1. Navigate to the mission map.
  2. Tap the Reports icon.

    The Reports tool opens and displays the mission reports list.

  3. Tap View All to open the list of submitted reports.
  4. Scroll through the submitted reports to locate the one you want to view, then tap it in the list.

    The Report Details screen will display for the tapped report.

Reports are displayed in the order in which they were submitted, with the earliest at the bottom. A report is displayed with title, the name of the mission member who submitted it, and the approximate time it was submitted.

Once opened, whether from the map or the list of submitted reports, the report details screen displays the name of the mission member who submitted it, the date it was submitted, the coordinates of the report, and any other fields that were included as part of the report.