View the Tasks feed

ArcGIS 11.4    |    |  

The task feed is in the same panel as the chat and reports feeds. Clicking a task expands it in the feed and displays the task information, including priority, due date, whether a report is required with it and if so which report, any notes included in the task, and when the task was last updated. A message appears in the feed if no tasks are in your mission.

The Tasks feed updates throughout the mission with any new tasks or changes to existing tasks. The tasks are displayed in the order they were last updated, with the most recent updated task at the top. You can also filter and sort the task feed to isolate specific tasks to interact with. If you are the mission owner or mission lead, you can cache tasks to remove them from the Tasks feed and mission map.

In the task feed, you can click the Show Pop-up tool, which centers the map on the task and displays a pop-up on the mission map showing the task information.

Task status

The task status can be changed throughout the mission. You must be the task creator, assignee, or an administrator to change the task status. The default task symbology for all task status is a white bordered purple square. The owner or admin of a mission can adjust the symbology for each status phase by accessing the mission web map in the portal contents.

View a task attachment

A task may have attachments that add information to the task. A number is displayed next to the attachment icon in the tasks feed, and indicates the number of attachments created as part of the task. To view an attachment, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Tasks feed and choose a task.
  2. Click the Attachment button to view the attachments to the task.

    The Attachment Viewer appears. If there is more than one attachment, you can scroll through them in the viewer. You can also download them from the viewer by clicking the download button.

  3. Click Close to close the Attachment Viewer.

Edit a task

You can edit a task during the mission if you are the task creator or administrator. Any of the fields originally created can be edited, and some can be removed if you choose. To update a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Tasks feed and choose a task.
  2. Click the Edit button to view and edit the task in the actions panel.
  3. Edit the task Location, Assignee, Type, Description, Report Required, Status, Priority, Due Date, and Due Time fields.

    The Save button is available once a change has been made.

  4. Click Save to update the task. Click Cancel to return to the default view of the Actions panel.

Assign a task to self

You can assign a task to yourself through the Tasks feed. The process for assigning a task to self is similar to updating a task during the mission if you are the task creator or administrator. Any of the fields originally created can be edited, and some can be removed if you choose. To update a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the feed and choose a task.
  2. Click Update Task to view and edit the task in the Actions panel.
  3. In the Assignees box, start typing to find your name or select it from the drop-down menu.

    The Update button is available once a change has been made.

  4. Click Update to update the task. Click Cancel to return to the default view of the Actions panel.

Submit a task

If you are a Manager or Responder user, you can submit tasks assigned to you. To learn more about submitting a task in Responder, see Tasks. To submit a task in Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Tasks feed and choose the task assigned to you.
  2. Click the Edit button to view and edit the task.

    The task opens with selective editable sections in the Actions panel. Optionally, click Show More Details to view additional task information such as Assignee, Name, Description, Report Required, Status, Priority, Due Date, Created, Last Edited, Assigned Date, In Progress Date, Completed Date, and Paused Date.

  3. Edit the Notes fields or add attachments.
  4. Change the status of the task to Complete.

    The Update button is available once a change has been made.

  5. Click Update to update the task. Click Cancel to return to the default view of the Actions panel.

Some tasks may require a report to be submitted. For these tasks, a Submit Report button is available.

Filter tasks

You can filter tasks based on the following fields to organize your tasks feed:

  • Assigned To
  • Created By
  • Status
  • Priority

To filter tasks, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Tasks feed.
  2. Click the More button.
  3. Click Filter Tasks.
  4. Expand the options you want to filter. Optionally, uncheck the Apply filters to the map option so your filter does not reflect on the mission map.

    This is enabled by default.

  5. Click Apply.

    The Tasks feed updates based on your selection with the most recent on top.

Clear tasks filter

To clear the tasks filter, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Tasks feed.
  2. Click the More button.
  3. Click Filter Tasks.
  4. Click Clear All.

    The Tasks feed updates to display all tasks.

Sort tasks

The Sort Tasks button allows you to sort your tasks based on key fields, as well as from most recent and least recent tasks. The Tasks feed is sorted by recently updated tasks by default.

To sort the Tasks feed, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Tasks feed.
  2. Click the Sort Tasks button.

    The Sort menu appears.

  3. Click a key field in the Sort menu:
    • Updated
    • Assigned to
    • Creator
    • Status
    • Priority
    • Due Date
  4. Optionally, choose a sort direction.

    This changes depending on which key field you choose to sort by.

    The Tasks feed updates.

Cache tasks

If you are the mission owner or mission lead, you can cache certain tasks to remove the activity from the Tasks feed and mission map for all mission members. To cache tasks, complete the following steps:

  1. Open your mission and go to the Tasks feed.
  2. Click the Cache button.

    A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm that you want to hide this mission activity from other members of the mission.

  3. Click Cache. Click Cancel if you do not want to hide the mission activity.

    Your mission map and mission feed update by caching the mission activity accordingly.

View cached tasks

To view cached tasks, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Tasks feed.
  2. Click the More button.
  3. Click View Cached Messages.
  4. Click Restore Message.

    A message appears, asking you to confirm your action to restore the message back to the feed.

  5. Click Restore.

    The Tasks feed updates with the remaining cached messages.