View the mission map panel

ArcGIS 11.4    |    |  

In the mission map panel, you can see a live picture of the current mission and use map tools to interact with mission content. Most of the map tools in the mission analyst experience are described in Define a mission map, including the following:

  • Default Map View —Restores the mission map to the default extent and view without changing the basemap.
  • Zoom In/Out—Zooms in and out on the mission map.
  • Compass—Used to return the map to being north oriented after users have rotated it.
  • Show coordinates—Displays the coordinate location of the mouse pointer, and opens the Coordinate Conversion tool, described below.
  • Basemaps—Changes the current basemap displayed in the mission map.
  • Layer/Legend—Provides a list of operational layers in the mission map and their symbols and allows you to turn individual layers on and off. All core mission layers (to include reports) are grouped as Mission Layers. The following layers are default layers created with every mission:
    • Last Known Locations—Contains the most recent location information from all Responder users.
    • Tasks—Contains the tasks that were created and sent during the mission.
    • Reports—Describes each report type that is created or sent during the mission that has its own layer, including the Tactical Summary Report.
    • Tracks Lines—line layer that shows a Responder users traveled path.
    • All tracks—Contains the tracks from all Responder users that were created during the mission.
    • Mission Chats—Contain the chats, attachments, and geometry associated with a chat.
    Other layers that will appear are ones added to the mission map by the mission owner. You can click Options to zoom to the extent of the layer, view item details, and hide labels if applicable.
  • Bookmarks—Creates shortcuts to important locations. When selected, a bookmark zooms the map to the same location and extent as was selected at the time of its creation.
  • Search—Allows users to search the mission map based on address or place-name.
  • Add or Edit features—Allows users to interact with editable feature layers and other map attributes.

In addition to the above tools, the mission map area also allows for analysts to conduct measurements and run proximity-based tools to help with analysis during real-time missions.

Measurement tools

You can use the measurement tools to measure distances and areas on your mission map. You can draw a line to measure length or draw a polygon to measure area to see dynamic results based on your selected unit of measure.

Use the Measure Distance tool

You can use the Measure Distance tool to draw a line from a starting point to an endpoint on the map. This distance can also include multiple points on the map to measure the total distance. To use the Measure Distance tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Measure Distance tool.
  2. Click to add your starting vertex.
  3. Drag the pointer to draw your distance. Click to make multiple vertices while drawing your distance.
  4. Double-click to create your ending vertex to complete your length measurement.

    The total distance appears as a label on the map. Additionally, a pop-up appears where you can change the measurement unit using the drop-down menu. The default unit is imperial.

  5. Click New measurement to start a new measurement.

    Switching map tools will clear your active measurement.

Use the Measure Area tool

You can use the Measure Area tool to draw a polygon to represent an area on your map. To use the Measure Area tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Measure Area tool.
  2. Click to add your first vertex.
  3. Click to add your second and third vertices.

    A minimum of three vertices are needed to measure an area.

  4. Double-click to complete your polygon for your area measurement.

    The total area appears as a label on the map. Additionally, a pop-up appears where you can change the measurement unit using the drop-down menu. The default unit is imperial.

  5. Click New measurement to start a new measurement.

    Switching map tools will clear your active measurement.

Proximity map tools

The proximity map tools help you conduct real-time analysis and deliver information to mission members.

Use the Create Buffer tool

The Create Buffer tool allows you to create buffer ranges from key center points and defined distances. To use the Create Buffer tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Create Buffer tool.
  2. Type the coordinate or use the Click in map to add center point tool to add your center point.
  3. Choose to create a buffer from a radius or diameter.
  4. Enter a radius or diameter length and choose a measurement unit in the drop-down menu.

    The default unit is meters.

  5. Click Create to create your buffer.

    Your buffer appears on the map.

  6. Click Clear or choose a different map tool to reset the Buffer tool.
  7. Optionally, click the Send Chat button to send your buffer as a sketch to other mission members.

If you choose to send the buffer as a sketch, you must complete the workflow to send a chat. See Chats for more information.

Use the Find Nearest tool

The Find Nearest tool allows you to identify the closest Responder users to a defined point of interest and within a specified range. You can also filter your search by team and limit the number of Responder users shown. To use the Find Nearest tool, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Find Nearest tool.
  2. Type a coordinate or use the Starting Point tool to determine a starting point.
  3. Choose how many Responder users you want to limit your search to by typing a number or using the stepper.

    To see any results, the number of Responder users must be above 0.

  4. If you want to filter Responder users by team, select which team or teams you want to view by selecting them in the Search within Team(s) drop-down menu.
  5. Enter a search range and choose a unit of measure in the drop-down menu.

    The default unit is meters.

  6. Click Run to complete your search. Click Clear or choose a different map tool to reset the Find Nearest tool.

    The nearest Responder users are highlighted on the map. A notification appears if there are no responder users who meet the criteria.

  7. Optionally, click the Send Chat button to send your buffer as a sketch to other mission members.

Coordinate Conversion tool

The Coordinate Conversion tool allows you to input and view coordinates using one coordinate system and output to different coordinate systems using multiple notation formats. The coordinates update in real time while your pointer moves over the map. You can add multiple conversions on the widget or change an existing output format by clicking the Select Format drop-down menu.

You can also use the Coordinate Conversion tool to input a coordinate to zoom to the location on the map.

Input a coordinate

You can convert or go to a coordinate location by manually entering or pasting a coordinate into the input box. To input a coordinate, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Coordinate button.
  2. Click Input Coordinate.
  3. Enter your coordinate and select a format using the Select format drop-down menu. Check the Go to location check box to be brought to the coordinate you entered.
  4. Click Convert.

    The coordinate appears in the coordinate conversion widget.

  5. Use the Add conversion drop-down menu to add any conversions of the original point you entered.
  6. Optionally, hover over the coordinate and click Copy to copy your coordinate to the clipboard or click Remove to delete the coordinate.

Use the Capture Coordinate tool

You can capture a coordinate at any location on the map to see a coordinate readout. To capture a coordinate, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Coordinate button.
  2. Click Capture mode.

    Your pointer turns into crosshairs.

  3. Click the map to capture a coordinate.

    The coordinate appears in the Coordinate Conversion tool. You can continue clicking the map to capture new coordinates.

  4. Use the Add conversion drop-down menu to add any additional conversions of the original point you entered.
  5. Optionally, hover over the coordinate and click Copy to copy your coordinate to the clipboard or click Remove to delete the coordinate.

Change the coordinate conversion widget settings

You can change the settings of the Coordinate Conversion tool to automatically display your preferred coordinate format. To change the settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Coordinate button.
  2. Click Format settings.
  3. Choose the preferred format you want to use for coordinates.
  4. Adjust the format to your desired output.

    A preview appears below to show how the coordinate will appear in the Coordinate Conversion tool.

  5. Optionally, click Reset to default to reset the coordinate format.