Sketch and annotate in ArcGIS for Teams

ArcGIS for Teams Sketch and annotate is a collaborative feature that helps you share, synchronize, annotate, and engage with ArcGIS spatial content in real time during  Microsoft Teams  meetings.

Sketch and annotate is similar to the Microsoft Teams meeting option Share content: participants in a meeting can see the presenter's screen. However, a key difference is that each participant can explore the shared content independently from the presenter and can use annotation tools to change the content shown when permitted by the presenter.

Microsoft Teams Share content and Sketch and annotate functions are designed for real-time collaboration. One participant at a time has the presenter role, but all participants can independently explore shared spatial data, synchronizing back to the presenter as needed.

Once you sign in, you are prompted to choose from the following options:

ArcGIS for Teams share, present, sketch and annotate options

Sketch and annotate an item


You must be signed into ArcGIS to use the sketch and annotate tool.

Once you select Sketch and annotate, you can add ArcGIS content to a Microsoft Teams channel or call chat to collaborate on a map in real time while your colleagues sketch and annotate:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS.

    A prompt appears, asking what type of tab you want to install.

  2. Select Sketch and annotate.
  3. Click Save.

    The Choose an item window appears. From here, you can search for publicly available ArcGIS Online content. Since you are signed into ArcGIS, you can also add from your My Content folder in ArcGIS Online.

  4. Enter a name in the Tab name field, if applicable.

    The default Tab name text is ArcGIS; it is shown on the Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon to all participants.

  5. Enter a word or phrase in the Search field to refine your search.

    As you narrow the search parameters, the results list updates automatically.

  6. Click the Sort button Sort to sort the results list by Title, Date created, or Date modified.

    ArcGIS for Teams Choose an item pane

  7. Choose an item from the results list and click Save.

    The item you select is added to the channel as a tab.

    • A new tab (named ArcGIS by default or your Tab name option) is added to the Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon.

      Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon with a ArcGIS tab added

  8. Click the Start presenting ArcGIS button Live Share on the tab.

    Each participant and the host is visible in the map frame as a pointer with ID attached. The administrator or host of the meeting enables the Other participants can edit toggle button in the Settings pane for the participants to start collaborating. See the Administrator or host settings section below.

  9. Click the Stop sketching tab in the Microsoft Teams ribbon to stop sketching and annotating and exit sharing.

Sketch and annotate as a participant

When you join a Microsoft Teams channel, chat, or meeting where the administrator or host has started the Sketch and annotate feature for all participants, you can access the tools made available by the host. You cannot save the map or grant editing access to other participants.

Use the Sketch tool Sketch in the map to explore and annotate it with text and shapes (points, lines, and polygons).

Annotated map from a Teams sketch and annotate presentation

Save your Sketch and annotate layer to ArcGIS Online (host or administrator)

When users have annotated a Sketch and annotate layer during a Microsoft Teams presentation, you can save the annotated layer to ArcGIS Online.

To make the annotated layer available to others, you can change sharing permissions in ArcGIS Online, from Owner to My Organization or Everyone. To learn how to change sharing permissions, see Share items in the ArcGIS Online help .

Administrator or host settings

The following tools are available to the host or administrator:

ArcGIS for Teams sketch and annotate administrator settings

  • Expand Expand—Expands the map tools.
  • Collapse Collapse—Collapses the map tools.
  • Layers Layers—Add, hide, or remove layers from the map.
  • Sketch Sketch—Annotate an active layer with a shape (point, line, or polygon) or text.

    ArcGIS for Teams Sketch tool with Text option chosen


    To delete text annotations, select the text entered on the map and click Delete. For points, lines and polygons, select the shape and press Delete.

  • Save SaveSave a layer to ArcGIS Online.

    You can only save copies of the map. You cannot manipulate the original layer or feature layer properties, unless you are the owner.

  • Share Share—Share a layer. You can open the layer in a new browser window or share the URL.
  • Settings Settings—As an administrator, you can allow other participants to edit, automatically save updates, hide or show all collaborators in the map view, and turn the navigation tools (Zoom in, Zoom out, and Default extent) on or off.

Administrators or hosts can use the Sketch and annotate function to share maps that users can actively edit with their own annotations during live Microsoft Teams presentations.