Present and share in ArcGIS for Teams

Presenting in ArcGIS for Teams is a collaborative tool that helps you share, synchronize, and engage with publicly available ArcGIS spatial content in real time during Microsoft Teams meetings.

Presenting and sharing is much like the existing Microsoft Teams meeting Share content option: participants in a meeting can see the presenter's screen. However, a key difference is that each participant can explore the shared content independently from the presenter.

One participant at a time has the presenter role, but all participants can independently explore shared spatial data, synchronizing back to the presenter as needed.

Share in ArcGIS for Teams

To begin sharing ArcGIS Online public content in a Microsoft Teams channel, it is recommended—but not required—to have previously installed ArcGIS for Teams from the Microsoft AppSource in the target channel. Use the following steps to add a content item and start collaborating:

  1. In a Microsoft Teams meeting or call, click the Add an app button Add an app in the Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon.

    The Add a new app pane appears.

  2. In the Search for apps text box, type ArcGIS.

    ArcGIS appears in the search results.

  3. Click ArcGIS.

    The Sign in to ArcGIS prompt appears.

  4. Follow the sign in steps for your ArcGIS account type or click Continue as guest. If you sign in, click Continue as <your username>.

    A prompt appears, asking what type of tab you want to install.

  5. Select Share content.

    Share content, Present a map, and Sketch and annotate options

    The Choose an item window appears. From here, you can search for publicly available ArcGIS Online content.

    Choose an item window

  6. Enter a name in the Tab name field, if applicable.

    The default Tab name text is ArcGIS; it is shown on the Teams meeting ribbon to all participants.

  7. Enter a word or phrase in the Search field to refine your search.

    As you narrow the search parameters, the results list updates automatically.

  8. Click the Sort button Sort to sort the results list by Title, Date created, or Date modified.
  9. Choose an item from the results list and click Save.

    The item you select is added to the channel as a tab.

    • A new tab (named ArcGIS by default or your Tab name option) is added to the Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon.

      Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon with an ArcGIS tab added

    • You can now present this content item in the meeting.

Present a content item in ArcGIS for Teams

Once you have added a content item as a tab to a Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon, you can share the content in a presentation. A content item can be explored by all participants independently during your presentation. Use the following steps to present a content item:

  1. Click the share tab you created on the Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon in Share in ArcGIS for Teams.

    A share tab (named ArcGIS by default or your Tab name option) opens to the right of the meeting pane.

  2. Click the Start presenting ArcGIS button Live Share on the tab.

    ArcGIS tab with share button highlighted

    The shared content opens in the meeting pane.

    • Participants can begin exploring the shared content independently—for example, by zooming and panning a shared map, exploring a spreadsheet, or clicking a layer's properties.
    • Participants click Live - Sync to presenter to reorient the content shown on their screen to the presenter's perspective.

      Sync to presenter message

    • The presenter is identified by username on the lower left.
  3. Click Stop control at the bottom of the meeting pane to stop presenting and allow another participant to take control of the shared content item.

    Stop control message

    All participants see the Take control message at the bottom of the meeting pane.

    Take control message

  4. Click Take control to become the presenter.
  5. Click Stop sharing in the Microsoft Teams meeting ribbon to stop sharing the shared content item.
    • To remove the ArcGIS tab from the meeting, right-click the More options button More options on the ArcGIS tab in the Microsoft Teams meeting and click Remove.
    • To add a new ArcGIS tab, repeat the Share in ArcGIS for Teams workflow steps.