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CGI errors

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If a CGI error appears while you are installing or using Esri Maps for IBM Cognos, try the following troubleshooting steps.

  1. In a web browser, enter the URL path to em4c.cgi using your organization's host name and path. For example:


    If this results in a CGI error, verify that the following are true:

    • All EM4C Server computers in your environment are running.
    • Users have write permission to the temp directory on EM4C Gateway. For more information, see the section on file access permissions in Configure Apache.

  2. If the CGI error persists, enter the following path into a web browser using your organization's host name and ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS URL:


    If the error persists, try any of the following:

    • Ensure that each EM4C Gateway in your environment has permission to access the specified ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS URL. For example, the port might be blocked by a firewall.
    • Ensure that ArcGIS for Server is running.
    • If the link in fails with an HTTP Error 403 message, there might be a missing property in the proxy.conf file on EM4C Gateway. If this file contains matchUrls=true but does not contain serverUrl=<arcgisUrl>, do one of the following:
      • Change the value for matchUrls to false (for example, matchUrls=false).
      • Add a new line with the following property specifying your organization's ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS URL: serverUrl=<arcgisUrl>.

  3. If the above suggestions do not resolve the error, try testing other URLs to ensure that the em4c.cgi proxy is working. For example:


    If this URL generates an error, it could mean that em4c.cgi does not have Internet access or is blocked by a firewall.

  4. If the previous steps do not resolve the CGI error, look for details in the log file. The log file (cgiError.log) is normally found in <em4c_gateway_location>/temp. If you need help reading and understanding the log file, contact Esri Support .