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Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration is installed with Esri Maps for IBM Cognos. You use it immediately after installation to set the initial configuration or at any point in the future to make updates. Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration is used on every computer on which Esri Maps for IBM Cognos is installed.

On Linux and UNIX platforms, interactive installations and configurations are typically performed from an X Window System (X11) workstation, an X terminal, or a PC with X server software installed.


Esri Maps for IBM Cognos supports configuration in multiple languages. For the configuration to work in non-English languages, the operating system must have a UTF-8 font supporting the characters in the selected language. If the configuration cannot find an appropriate font, some characters will be displayed incorrectly. If you experience this issue, copy a compatible font into <em4c_installer_location>/bin/jre/lib/fonts/fallback.

When you run Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration in interactive mode, there are three buttons on the user interface.

  • Apply
    • Saves the Local Configuration settings to em4c.xml
    • Makes necessary updates to IBM Cognos files
  • Revert
    • Returns Esri Maps for IBM Cognos to the last saved (that is, applied) settings
  • Disable
    • Removes changes made to IBM Cognos files

Local Configuration settings

The Local Configuration settings specified on Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration are used by the various Esri Maps for IBM Cognos components and can be modified at any time. The settings available are as follows:

  • IBM Cognos Gateway Base URI—The IBM Cognos gateway URI without /cgi- bin/cognos.cgi. This is used internally by Esri Maps for IBM Cognos.
  • IBM Cognos Dispatcher(s)—A comma-separated list of all Cognos dispatchers in your environment. Esri Maps for IBM Cognos uses a failover algorithm to decide which dispatcher an EM4C Server will contact. The EM4C Server makes requests to the first dispatcher unless it has become disabled and proceeds to the next one in the list, and so on, for example, http://server1:9300, http://server1:9301, and http://server2:9300. (Note: There should be no spaces between server names when specified on Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration. They are included here for readability.) The order of this list is not crucial, and it is recommended that you list the IBM Cognos dispatchers on the local computer, followed by IBM Cognos dispatchers on other computers.
  • EM4C Server URI(s)—An ordered, comma-separated list of Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Servers in the environment. Note: This list must appear in the same order in all Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration instances in your environment. The list denotes the order in which EM4C Servers take the role of primary server. If the first server fails, all components must agree that the second server in the list will act as primary until the first server is back online, for example, http://server1:9796/em4c, http://server1:9896/em4c, and http://server2:9796/em4c. (Note: There should be no spaces between server names when specified on Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration. They are included here for readability.)
  • EM4C Server Shutdown Port (Advanced)—The shutdown port for the local EM4C Server. This should be left alone unless you have multiple EM4C Servers installed on the same computer or there will be a port conflict.
  • EM4C Server HTTP Port (Advanced)—The HTTP port on which the local EM4C Server will listen. This should be left alone unless you have multiple EM4C Servers installed on the same computer or there will be a port conflict. If you edit this value, be sure to update EM4C Server URIs accordingly.
  • EM4C Server Log File—The location of the log files generated by the EM4C Server.

The local configuration settings required for each EM4C component are as follows:

Local Configuration settingEM4C ServerEM4C GatewayEM4C Dispatcher

IBM Cognos Gateway Base URI


IBM Cognos Dispatcher(s)


EM4C Server URI(s)




EM4C Server Shutdown Port (Advanced)


EM4C Server HTTP Port (Advanced)


EM4C Server Log File


Local Configuration settings by EM4C component

For basic instructions on configuring Esri Maps for IBM Cognos, see Install and configure on a single computer.

Silent configuration

Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Configuration saves its local settings to a file named em4c.xml. This XML file can be used to distribute Esri Maps for IBM Cognos to multiple computers (as long as they have the same settings and paths). To perform an unattended (silent) configuration, a successful configuration on another computer with the exact same setup must first be completed.

You can also perform a silent installation. For more information, see Installation options.

The following should be completed as the user who owns the Esri Maps for IBM Cognos installation location:

  1. In terminal, browse to the <em4c_location>/em4c directory on the installation media, grant execute permissions to, and run, for example:

    [cognosuser@server1]$ chmod +x
    [cognosuser@server1]$ ./

  2. Copy em4c.xml from the <em4c_location>/bin directory on the source computer to the <em4c_location>/bin directory on the target computer.
  3. On the target computer, browse to the <em4c_location>/bin directory.
  4. Run the following command:
    ./ –silent