Chart toolbar

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Every card has a toolbar that can be used to find more information or improve the appearance of the data. The buttons available on the toolbar are dependent on the type of chart.

Layer options

The Layer options button Layer options can be used to display the Layer options pane. The options available in this pane depend on the chart type.

For more information, see Chart layer options.

Chart statistics


The Chart statistics button is available for bar charts, column charts, histograms, scatter plots, time series graphs, and line graphs.

The Chart statistics button Chart statistics can be used to display relevant statistical calculations about the data.

The following statistics can be displayed for bar charts, column charts, time series graphs, and line graphs:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Upper quartile
  • Lower quartile
  • Custom

The following statistics can be displayed for histograms:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Normal distribution

The following statistics can be displayed for scatter plots:

  • None
  • Linear
  • Exponential
  • Polynomial

Card filter

Use the Card filter button Card filter to remove any unwanted data from the card. Filters can be applied to all string, number, rate/ratio, and date/time fields. A card filter does not affect other cards using the same dataset.

For more information, see Filter data.

Selection tools


Selections tools are not available on donut charts and KPI cards.

Selection tools (accessed with the Selection tools button Selection tools) can be used to highlight important features. Selections on one card are reflected on any other card using the same data. The following selection tools are available:

  • Select
  • Box select
  • Invert selection

For more information, see Make selections.

Zoom tools


The Zoom tools button is available for scatter plots and link charts.

The Zoom tools button Zoom tools can be used to see certain values on a chart with more detail without filtering the data. The following zoom options are available:

  • Zoom in
  • Zoom out
  • Zoom to selection
  • Home

Visualization type

The Visualization type button Visualization type opens a drop-down menu that shows all available card types. The drop-down list can be used to quickly change the card to a map, table, or another type of card. The availability of visualizations depends on what type of data is being displayed on the card.



The Sort button is available for bar charts, column charts, and line graphs.

The sort options (accessed with the Sort button Sort) are available for most charts that use a string field. The following sort options are available:

  • Sort ascending
  • Sort descending
  • Sort A to Z
  • Sort Z to A
  • Sort manually (available with bar and column charts)


Use the Maximize button Maximize to enlarge the card. Other cards on the page will be reduced to thumbnails. The card can be returned to its previous size using the Restore down button Restore down.

Enable cross filters

Use the Enable cross filters button Enable cross filters to allow filters to be created on the card using selections on other cards. Cross filters can be removed using the Disable cross filters button Disable cross filters.

For more information, see Cross filters.

Flip card

The Flip card button Flip card displays information on the back of the card about the chart, such as a description of the analysis and a time stamp for when the data was last updated, if applicable. The back of the card also includes statistics, such as count, mean, and median.

For some charts, the back of the card can be used to export the data from the card as a CSV.

For more information, see View the back of a card.


Use the Card options button Card options to access the following options:


Use the following resources to learn more: