Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Spaces extension.
Office hotels are spaces that workers can reserve for temporary use for hours, days, or weeks. As an alternative to permanently assigned spaces, this approach allows an organization to efficiently manage space and reduce costs. Office hotels can be assigned to workspace areas, which can be created to organize the occupants and the bookable spaces managed by your organization.
ArcGIS Indoors includes Indoors Space Planner, which allows you to plan the activity of occupants, including assigning occupants to workspace areas with individually assigned spaces or reservable office hotels. You can book office hotels using Indoors Viewer or the Indoors mobile apps, and bookings are managed using the Reservations layer in the ArcGIS Indoors Information Model or Microsoft 365.
You can also create restricted workspace areas in Space Planner to restrict bookings in an area to specific users. To book an office hotel in a restricted workspace area, an occupant must be assigned to that workspace area in Space Planner. For unrestricted workspace areas, no occupant assignment is required and anyone from your ArcGIS organization can book a unit in that workspace area.
If a workspace area is configured as restricted, the user signed in to Indoors Viewer or the Indoors mobile apps must have an associated email address that matches the EMAIL field value of their record in the Occupants layer to book office hotels in that area.
Configure office hotels using the Reservations layer
This workspace reservation method requires adding the Reservations layer to the web map. Office hotel bookings are managed in the Indoors model and can be used to visualize real-time availability of workspace area units and can also be used for space usage analytics.
Add layers
Your organization must have the web map that was prepared and shared for use in Space Planner and the editable Reservations layer.
To prepare a map for workspace areas, complete the following steps:
- Open the Indoors project in ArcGIS Pro.
- Add the shared Space Planner web map to the project.
- Open the map prepared for Indoors Viewer.
- Add or update the source for the Units layer from the units feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map.
Ensure that the USE_TYPE column has appropriate values for each hotel unit. These required values are presented as options when booking workspaces.
- Add or update the source for the Units layer from the units feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map.
- Add or update the source for the Reservations layer.
This editable layer is used for managing space reservations and visualizing reservations on a map.
The RECURRENCE_ID and RECURRENCE_CONFIG fields must be included in the Reservations layer to make recurring bookings.
You can configure the Reservations layer as time aware and symbolize the available office hotels so they can be visually identified for booking.
- Configure the Floors property for these layers to enable the floor filter in the app.
Set the layer's LEVEL_ID field for the Floors property. You can then use the floor filter to visualize real-time occupancy of the rooms per floor for a facility in the floor-aware map.
- Add the Areas table from the feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map.
- Optionally, add the Area Roles table from the feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map to enable reservation managers.
Reservation managers can book and manage office hotel bookings for other people in the workspace areas for which they are configured as reservation managers.
The following is required to configure reservation managers:
- Include the Area Roles table when preparing a map for Space Planner. If the Space Planner map has already been shared to the ArcGIS organization, add the Area Roles table to the map and overwrite the existing layer that contains the Occupants and Units layers and Areas table.
- Set one or more reservation managers for workspace areas in Space Planner and merge the plan.
- Include the Area Roles table when you prepare a map for Viewer.
If you created the Reservations feature class using a previous version of ArcGIS Pro, it is recommended that you review the Indoors workspace for any potential updates to the Indoors model. You can use the Upgrade Indoors Database tool to update an Indoors workspace to the current version of the Indoors model schema available for the installed version of ArcGIS Pro, to enable additional functionality in the Indoors apps.
It is not required to update the Indoors workspace to use workspace areas if only the workspace area domains are missing.
- Save the project.
- Share the web map.
If you added the layers to an existing web map that is shared to your organization, you can save the web map without having to share it again. This allows you to preserve the web map ID, and apps configured with the existing web map will continue to work.
Enable office hotels in Viewer
After preparing the map to support office hotels with the Reservations layer and configuring workspace areas in Space Planner, you can enable office hotels in Viewer by completing the following steps:
- Create a web app for Viewer or configure an existing Viewer app.
- Browse to the Workspace Reservation section in the Configure App panel and turn on the Office Hotels toggle button.
The app automatically detects the Reservations layer in the web map and sets Reservation method to Reservations layer. If all prerequisites are met in the web map, the Reservations layer is automatically selected. If all prerequisites are not met in the web map, a list of missing items appears when the Reservations layer is selected.
- Optionally, check the Use a Different Name check box to specify a custom name for the hotel option in Viewer.
- Check the check boxes to enable launching Outlook or Google calendar to add reservation reminders when booking an office hotel.
- Click Save.
When workspace areas are created using Space Planner, units are assigned as office hotels in a workspace area, and the app's reservation method is configured with the reservation layer, a hotel option appears in the Viewer app for any workspace areas with office hotels assigned. If a custom name was specified for the hotel option, it will be displayed instead. Additionally, a Book option appears in the info panel of a selected office hotel and can be used to complete the booking process.
Configure office hotels using Microsoft 365
Using this workspace reservation method requires that your organization define resource mailboxes in Microsoft 365. The Indoors app sends a booking request through the Microsoft Graph API. The following permissions are required:
- Sign in and read user profile—To confirm whether a user has access to resource mailboxes
- Read user calendars—To get available times for rooms
- Full access to user calendars—To create an event for the new bookings
- Read user mailbox settings—To get mailbox settings such as time zone and locale
Depending on how your organization has set policies in Microsoft Azure, you may require administrator consent for the requested permissions before the organization starts using Indoors to book rooms. Availability of this feature may be limited if your organization restricts access to company-managed devices through Microsoft Intune.
Add layers
Your organization must have the web map that was prepared and shared for use in Space Planner, and optionally, the editable Reservations layer.
To prepare a map for workspace areas, complete the following steps:
- Open the Indoors project in ArcGIS Pro.
- Add the shared Space Planner web map to the project.
- Open the map prepared for Indoors Viewer.
- Add or update the source for the Occupants layer in the map from the occupants feature layer that is associated with the Space Planner web map.
- Add or update the source for the Units layer from the units feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map.
Ensure that the USE_TYPE column has appropriate values for each hotel unit. These required values are presented as options when booking workspaces.
- Configure the Floors property for these layers to enable the floor filter in the app.
Set the layer's LEVEL_ID field for the Floors property. You can then use the floor filter to visualize real-time occupancy of the rooms per floor for a facility in the floor-aware map.
- Add the Areas table from the feature layer that is associated with the same Space Planner web map.
- Save the project.
- Share the web map.
If you added the layers to an existing web map that is shared to your organization, you can save the web map without having to share it again. This allows you to preserve the web map ID, and apps configured with the existing web map will continue to work.
Add email IDs
Your organization must have resource mailboxes in Microsoft 365 for each space that can be reserved so that a unique email address is associated with the space. Resource mailboxes can be room mailboxes or workspaces.
Ensure that the scheduling options, particularly the maximum duration, are set based on the requirements of your organization. If a resource mailbox is a workspace and has a defined capacity, you can book the space multiple times until the capacity is reached.
To associate units with email IDs, complete the following steps:
- Right-click the Units layer and click Attribute Table.
You can filter the records to show only the rows with a hotel value as the ASSIGNMENT_TYPE by adding the following display filter: ASSIGNMENT_TYPE = "Hotel".
- Update the SCHEDULE_EMAIL field with the unique email IDs for each hotel unit.
- Click the Edit tab.
- In the Manage Edits group, click Save.
- Save the project.
Enable office hotels in Viewer
After preparing the map to support meeting rooms with Microsoft 365 and configuring workspace areas in Space Planner, you can enable meeting rooms in Viewer by completing the following steps:
- Create a web app for Indoors Viewer or configure an existing Viewer app.
- Browse to the Workspace Reservation section in the Configure App panel and turn on the Office Hotels toggle button.
- Optionally, check the Use a different name check box to specify a custom name for the hotel option in the Viewer app.
- Choose Microsoft 365 for Reservation method.
If all prerequisites are not met in the web map, a list of missing items appears when Microsoft 365 is selected.
- Register the web app as a single-page app with Microsoft Azure.
Keep the following in mind when registering a web app with Microsoft Azure:
- This is different than configuring workspace areas with mobile apps. You can use a preexisting organizational account with administrative privileges or create one to register the Viewer app URL.
- Register your Viewer app URL as the Redirect URI. The ArcGIS Online app URL has the following structure: https://<yourorganization>.maps.arcgis.com/apps/indoors/index.html
- Ensure that implicit flow is enabled and both ID tokens and Access tokens are configured.
- Specify your client ID in the Microsoft Azure Portal Application (client) ID text box.
- If the app is a single-tenant Microsoft Office app, check the My application is single-tenant check box and specify the tenant ID in the Microsoft Azure Portal Tenant ID text box.
When workspace areas are created using Space Planner, units are assigned as office hotels in a workspace area, and the app's reservation method is configured with the Microsoft 365 option, a hotel option appears in the Viewer app for any workspace areas with office hotels assigned. If a custom name was specified for the hotel option, it will be displayed instead. Additionally, a Book option appears in the info panel of a selected office hotel and can be used to complete the booking process.
- You must be signed in to your Microsoft 365 account in the Viewer app to book office hotels.
- Ensure that your browser allows pop-ups from the host site before opening and signing in to the Viewer app.
Book an office hotel
The hotel option appears on the quick access menu in Viewer after configuring office hotels for a map. If a custom name was configured for the hotel option, it will be displayed instead. The panel opened by the hotel option displays a list of available office hotels based on location and duration. You can filter the list based on workspace area, location, site, building, floor, and duration, and choose daily or weekly recurring office hotel bookings. If you have an equipment filter configured, you can filter the listed office hotels by available equipment.
When a bookable office hotel is selected on the map, the Book option appears on the info card. Click the Book option to display a schedule of existing bookings for that room. To book the office hotel, click an available time slot to prepopulate the start and end times, use the time fields to set the times, or use the Repeat booking toggle button to create recurring bookings.
If office hotels are configured using the Reservations layer, users that are assigned the Indoors User user type or higher in your ArcGIS organization in ArcGIS Online can create bookings.
Indoors Viewer enforces scheduling limits configured in Space Planner when a user attempts to book an office hotel.
If office hotels are configured using Microsoft 365, you must sign in to your Microsoft 365 account in the Viewer app to book office hotels.
If you're using Firefox or Safari to open the Viewer app, ensure that your browser allows pop-ups from your host site before signing in.
Book an office hotel for someone else (Reservations layer)
You can configure reservation managers in Space Planner who can create and manage office hotel bookings for other occupants, including recurring bookings, when using the Reservations layer. If a user is configured as a reservation manager for a workspace area, the Reserve for someone else toggle button appears in the Hotel panel to enable booking an office hotel unit for someone else in Indoors Viewer. If the workspace area is configured as restricted, reservation managers can only book units in the workspace area for people who are assigned to it.
If feature editing for the Reservations layer is set to Editors can only edit their own features when reservations are made by a reservation manager, the options to check in, check out, or cancel a reservation are only available to the reservation manager who made the booking.
View an office hotel booking
You can view your booked rooms on the Booked tab in the Hotel panel. Actions include editing or canceling the reservation and adding a reminder to your preferred calendar app if office hotel bookings are configured using the Reservations layer. An indicator appears for all bookings that are part of a recurring series.
Reservation managers have two buttons on the Booked tab. The For you button lists your own office hotel reservations and the For others button lists office hotels booked by you for other occupants. As a reservation manager, you can view, check in, check out, edit, or cancel office hotel bookings for yourself and other occupants.
When you search for an occupant, the app displays their assigned offices, home office assignment, and any current or upcoming office hotel reservations. You can review the details of the unit they have reserved, get directions, and route to it. You can also access other assignments for an occupant using the Locations option in the info panel.
If your map was configured for office hotels using Microsoft 365, the Indoors app sends a request using the Microsoft account that the user has signed in to Indoors with. Users receive an automated email specifying whether the request was accepted or declined, and an event is added to their calendar if accepted. You can also remove the booking from your Outlook calendar from the Indoors app. This experience is similar to using Microsoft apps such as Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Teams when reserving rooms. You can also review, edit, and cancel the acceptance status of office hotel bookings on the Booked tab.