Evaluate in 3D

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.7.x)    |    |  

All project team members can view or extrude features in 3D so they can gain a different perspective of their data.

  1. On the application toolbar, click Evaluate.
  2. Click 3D.
  3. In the Contents pane, click the settings icon to the right of the layer you want to view in 3D. Choose 3D Settings from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the 3D Settings dialog, choose one of the following options:
    • Type in an elevation offset if you want to offset your features from the ground.
    • Click the Color box to choose an extrusion color for your features.
    • Click the Extrusion Units dropdown to choose the units for your extrusion.
    • Type in an extrusion expression into the Extrusion Expression text box. See the section below to learn more about how to extrude features by expressions.
  5. Click OK.

Extrusion Expressions

When you view features in 3D, you can apply an expression that controls how your features render. GeoPlanner allows you to extrude features by attribute, constants or Arcade expressions. Use the following steps to learn how to apply an expression to extrude your features.

  1. On the application toolbar, click Evaluate.
  2. Click 3D.
  3. In the Contents pane, click the settings icon to the right of the layer you want to view in 3D. Choose 3D Settings from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the 3D Settings dialog, click the Expression Builder link beneath the Extrusion Expression text box.
  5. In the Extrusion Expression dialog box, do one of the following:
    • Type in a constant value. This value will be applied to each feature in the layer you want to view in 3D.
    • Click a field from the Fields list. For example, $feature.HEIGHT would extrude a feature by its height attribute. You can combine fields with operators to build an expression. For example, $feature.HEIGHT * 10 would extrude a feature by multiplying a feature's height by 10.
    • Type an Arcade expression into the top of the dialog. Arcade is a scripting language you can use to control how your data draws on a per feature basis.

      The following example demonstrates how to show estimated population of residential features in 3D by multiplying area by a dwelling units per acre constant (.06) and then by a population per dwelling unit constant (2.5)

      if ($feature.LanduseType=='Residential') { return ($feature.Shape__Area * .06) * 2.5 }
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click OK.

In this topic
  1. Extrusion Expressions