
ArcGIS Enterprise (10.7.x)    |    |  

GeoPlanner is a web application built on the ArcGIS Platform, which supports data sharing across your organization. You can share projects, scenarios, assessment, evaluation or operational data, and dashboards. Sharing differs by item type.

Share a project

Sharing a project and its associated scenarios is done by inviting users to a project group. Once a user is invited and joins the project team, he or she can open and see all scenarios associated with this project, including scenarios created by other users.

Share operational layers and basemaps

Sharing common operational layers and basemaps is done by adding this data to the project template web map. When a user opens a project, a web map is automatically created for this user by the application, and this web map is stored in the user's My Content tab of the content page in their organization. All layers included in the project template web map will be automatically added to this user's web map. Other data added by the project owner to their own web map, which may include analysis layers and evaluation layers, will not be included in the user web map for a different user. However, other users can use the Add Data function to discover such items and manually add them to their own project web map.

Share dashboards

Sharing dashboards is supported by exporting a dashboard to the project or template from which the project was created. Collaborators can import a shared dashboard into their local project. If a dashboard was exported to a template, all new projects created from that template will contain the dashboard. Assessment layers associated with a shared dashboard will be added when that dashboard is imported into a project.

Share result layers

Sharing assessment or evaluation result layers is automatically handled by the application. When performing an analysis or evaluation process, the result layer is automatically shared with the project group, and all project team members can discover these items by using the Add Data function and manually adding them to their own project web map.

Share report items

Sharing exported data items or uploaded data items is automatically handled by the application. When exporting spatial data using the Export function, the result item is automatically shared with the project group. All project team members can discover these items by using the Search for Files function. Depending on the item type, it can be either directly opened or downloaded by other team members.

Sharing web maps and web scenes are automatically handled by the application. When saving a web map or web scene using the Export function, the web map is created, saved in, and automatically shared with the project group, and all project team members can discover these items by opening the project folder in their organization.