Create a project

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |

Complete the following steps to create an ArcGIS GeoBIM project:

  1. Access ArcGIS GeoBIM.
  2. Click Create New in the upper right corner of the Projects page.
  3. Provide a name for the project in the Name text box.

    The name can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and underscores.

  4. Optionally, provide a brief description of the project in the Description text box.
  5. Optionally, click Edit thumbnail to select a thumbnail image for the project. Learn more about choosing the best thumbnails for your project.
  6. Click Next to choose the basemap for your project.

    The information text below shows the organization's default spatial reference.

  7. Choose your basemap to define your project's spatial reference.
    • Organization's default basemapChoose this option to use the default spatial reference of your project. The Esri default spatial reference WKID is 102100, which is WGS84 Web Mercator but it could be different for your organization if it is changed in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise by the administrator.
    • Other basemapsChoose this option to use a different spatial reference for your project. These basemap options are basemaps available in your custom basemap gallery group within your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise organization. See the Create a custom basemap gallery documentation to learn more about creating a custom basemap gallery for your organization.
    1. Click Next (if you chose the Other basemaps option).
    2. Choose from one of the basemap options with desired spatial reference (if you chose the Other basemaps option).
  8. Click OK

    Create a project

    You have now defined the spatial reference for your project.

    The Accounts page appears.

You're now ready to create a project account.