Create ArcGIS GeoBIM apps

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |

You can create apps to connect and visualize web maps, web scenes, and georeferenced BIM 360 project data.


You must have an ArcGIS Online Creator or equivalent account to add links to features.

  1. On the project's Apps page, click the Create New drop-down arrow and choose the type of app to create.
    • Viewer—View documents, issues, schedules, and BIM projects.
    • Issues Dashboard—View documents, issues, schedules, and BIM projects, and interact with features using a dashboard.

    The App Editor page appears.

  2. Provide a name for the app in the text box in the upper left of the App Editor page.
  3. Choose a theme for the app in the Theme panel.
  4. Optionally, click Customize and customize the chosen theme.
  5. Optionally, click Edit Header Image to upload a header image or provide a URL to the image you want to use for the app's header.
  6. In the Source section, click Select Map and choose the web map to which you added links on the Links page.
  7. Click Done to return to the Apps Editor page.

    If you own the web map or scene, missing layers are added to the map and you are asked to save the map or to save a copy of the map with the added layers. You can also click Cancel to choose a different map.

    If you don't own the web map or scene, missing layers are added to the map and you are asked to save a copy of the map with the added layers. You can also click Cancel to choose a different map.

  8. Optionally, repeat steps 6 and 7 to add a web scene.
  9. If you added a web map and a web scene, click the map thumbnail on the lower left of the map to switch between the web map and web scene previews.
  10. Optionally, click Custom in the Initial View section and click Modify to set the map's initial zoom level and extent.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Optionally, add and remove map tools using the toggle buttons in the Tools section. The tools pop up on the Map widget when it is enabled.
    • Zoom—Zoom in and out on the map or scene.
    • Home—Zoom to the map or scene's default map extent.
    • Navigation—Add the Navigation widget to the map or scene.
    • Locate—Find your current location on the map or scene.
    • Compass—Set the compass orientation.
    • Search—Find a specific location on the map or scene.
    • Basemap—Change the app's basemap.
    • Measure—Measure distances on the map or scene.
    • Fullscreen—View the map or scene in full screen.
    • Scale bar—View the map or scene scale.
    • 3D Explorer—Add the Building Explorer and Slice tools.
    • 3D Analysis—Add the 3D Toolbox widget.
    • Time Slider—Filter activities by date.
    • Issue Creator—Create an issue in the app.
    • Layers—View the map or scene’s feature layers and map legends.
  13. Optionally, choose a layout for the tools in the Tools Layout section.
  14. Optionally, configure the selection highlight color using the Selection highlight color picker in the Options section.
  15. Optionally, configure scroll zooming and pop-up options in the Options section.

    If you turn on these options, it would disable scroll zooming and pop-ups on the Map widget.

  16. Optionally, turn on the Show Charts toggle button to enable Issue Charts.

    Issue Charts describe the state of current engineering issues for your ArcGIS GeoBIM project.


    Scroll down to the bottom of the App Editor to view the Issue Charts section.

  17. Optionally, to select the color ramp for a chart, click the box below the Chart Color Gradients and a preview of the available color ramps is displayed. Click the desired ramp to change the color ramp.
  18. Click the Save Changes button Save Changes at the upper right to save the app.

    ArcGIS GeoBIM App Editor

  19. Click the Go to App button Go To App to view the app or click the GeoBIM button GeoBIM at the upper right to return to the Apps page.

You're now ready to share your app.