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ArcGIS Enterprise (11.0)    |

The ArcGIS Experience Builder update includes new widgets, new templates, and more widget settings. Some of the highlights are listed below.

  • Builder—Create an experience with an automatically populated Map widget directly from Map Viewer or Scene Viewer, or a map or scene item page. An experience's URL now displays custom page, view, and window labels instead of their original ID numbers. When you update a label, the app's URL changes, but existing URLs will continue to work even after you modify and republish an app (shared links will not be broken). In the published app, users can see the name of the current page in their browser's tab. You can now save a web experience or template with unsaved changes as a new item. Widgets in the Insert widget panel are now grouped into six new categories based on usage: Map centric, Data centric, Page elements, Menus and toolbars, Layout, and Section. When copying or duplicating elements such as widgets and pages, elements now follow a continued numbering rule. For example, duplicating Map 1 now produces Map 2, or Map 3 if Map 2 already exists.
  • Custom widgets—You can now add custom Experience Builder widgets to a portal. This means you can choose custom widgets in the builder environment when you create an app.
  • Data source—The layer order in an experience now honors the layer order saved in the map or scene.
  • Dynamic content—The expression builder now allows you to format numbers in custom expressions. You can control the number of decimal places, add a thousand separator, and add a unit.
  • Gallery—You can now right-click an experience in the gallery to open and edit it in a new tab, new window, or incognito window.
  • Images & Icons—There is now a 10 MB limit for each image and custom icon upload. Additionally, you can now delete unused images and icons from the upload list.
  • Page panel—You can now change the default icon for a folder or link in a menu.
  • Templates—Provides five new default templates. Two use Fly Controller widgets in a full-screen (Voyage) and scrolling page (Vacation). Voyage and Vacation each have corresponding public app templates to demonstrate each with sample data. Data collector is a full-screen page template that features the Edit and Map widgets. Seeker is a scrolling page template designed like a web home page that features a Search widget. Booking provides a multipage layout that features Search and Filter widgets, useful for sifting data. All default templates are now divided into six categories in the template gallery: Blank, WAB classic, Map centric, Dashboard, Web page, and Website. Some templates are in multiple categories, including monitor (Map centric and Dashboard).
  • Windows—Provides two new templates to deliver additional guidance, information, or data in a window.
  • Screen groups—Supports moving the entire screen group to the pending list for custom layouts. Provides a blank screen template without a panel.
  • Performance—Improves the performance of loading and searching data sources when adding data.
  • Printing—Provides a new print preview mode, which reorganizes special layouts such as screen groups and removes animations and auto plays when viewing published experiences or launched drafts. Print preview is an option of Set link.
  • Language—Support for Bulgarian.


Other improvements include the following new and updated widgets:

  • Directions widget (new)—Calculates turn-specific routes between two or more stops based on the quickest walk time, driving distance, and more.
  • Draw widget (new)—Allows creating simple graphics for points, lines, and polygons on 2D web maps and 3D web scenes. Supports adding measurements to drawn graphics for coordinate position, length, perimeter, and area.
  • Edit widget (new)—Allows creating, updating, or deleting features in 2D and 3D data sources or map widgets. Editing directly in a map widget allows modifying attributes and geometry.
  • Elevation Profile widget (new)—Allows generating and displaying an elevation profile from an input path. Users can draw or select a line on a 2D web map or 3D web scene.
  • Floor Filter widget (new)—Allows exploring floor-aware maps made with ArcGIS Indoors.
  • Oriented Imagery widget (new)—Allows interacting with and visualizing imagery that is taken from any angle—including oblique, street-side, inspection, and 360-degree images—in a 2D map or 3D scene.
  • Search widget (new)—Placed anywhere on the map or page, use this widget configured with specific layers and locators so users can find features, records, or locations. You can define how and where to display search results in your app.
  • Suitability Modeler widget (new)—Allows combining and weighting different layers to evaluate multiple factors at once. Users can find the best location for an activity, predict susceptibility to risk, identify where something is likely to occur, and more.
  • Chart widget—Supports scatter plots, pie charts, line charts, area charts, and four different notations for displaying numerical values, including standard, compact, scientific, and engineering.
  • Embed widget—There is now an 8 KB size limit to the HTML code that can be put in the widget.
  • Filter widget—Allows zooming and panning to features on the map after applying the filter.
  • Image widget—Allows you to optimize image loading performance by choosing from four levels of display quality: low, medium, high, and original. Additionally, now as images load at runtime, a compressed version of each image is provided as a loading mask until the images fully load (instead of a standard placeholder).
  • List widget—List templates are reordered, with the most frequently used templates now at the top. You can now remove default widgets from any template using the check box instead of manually deleting them. Additionally, changing the Regular state layout now automatically updates the Selected and Hover states to match, and you can now exclude the Last update label that indicates when the data was refreshed in the app. There is a new setting to configure a custom no data message for when no records are shown. You can also now create two dimensional grid-style lists.
  • Menu widget—You can now display custom icons set for a folder or link.
  • Query widget—Supports querying data sources based on the geometry of selected features. You can specify spatial relationship rules, and end users can set a buffer distance at runtime. Allows you to customize results, such as which fields to display and meaningful names based on a custom expression from the data. Drawn graphics can now remain in the map until users manually clear them. You can now add filter descriptions to provide instructions for a specific audience, such as new users.
  • Sidebar widget—You can now customize the icon and background color of the collapse button.
  • Survey widget—You can now allow users to view and edit survey responses.
  • Table widget—Supports scene layers with an associated feature layer and improves responsive display of tabs on mobile devices or when there's a lot of data. When allow editing is set, you can now specify which fields are editable. Honors field names from the connected data source's pop-up settings. Supports sorting by multiple fields.
  • Text widget—Allows you to customize the content and style of the placeholder text when editing a template.
  • Widget Controller—You can now turn off ToolTips to avoid duplicating tool labels. You can also move and remove widgets by default. Additionally, the Add widget button has moved to the widget toolbar.

In this topic
  1. Widgets