Fly Controller widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9)    |

The Fly Controller widget allows you to showcase fly animation by navigating through a path or around a point on a 3D map.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to showcase the area surrounding a landmark on a map.
  • You want to mark a hiking trail on a map and provide an animated representation of the path.

Usage notes

This widget requires a connection to a Map widget with a configured 3D data source.

When you include this widget in an app with a web scene layer, a toolbar provides users with the following tools for the fly animation:

  • Rotate fly and Fly along path—Choose a fly style. If more than one fly style is configured for the widget, click the fly style button to switch between them.
  • Sketch a point—Sketch a point on the map to rotate around. Zoom and adjust the map to find the best view before sketching. (This tool is only available for the Rotate fly style.)
  • Sketch points to draw a path—Sketch multiple connected points for a path to fly along. (This tool is only available for the Fly along path style.)
  • Select a feature from the map—Select a point or line feature on the map (if applicable) instead of sketching a point or path.
  • Remove sketch or selection—Clear the sketched or selected point or path from the map.
  • Settings—After a point or path is set, adjust the view tilt (for Rotate fly) or the path altitude (for Fly along path).
  • Play or Pause button—After a point or path is set, start or pause flying.
  • Speed control—Once flying starts, the toolbar is replaced by a speed control bar to adjust the flying speed.

    When flying is paused, the toolbar becomes available for changes that take effect when the Play button is clicked again.


The Fly Controller widget includes the following settings:

  • Select a map widget with 3D data—The widget only works with 3D maps (web scenes). You must select a map widget with an active web scene layer.
  • Controller style—Choose from Bar or Palette styles for the controller in the widget.
  • Choose fly modes—Choose the fly style to include in the widget’s toolbar:
    • Rotate fly—Rotate around a sketched point or a selected point feature on the map. You can set the rotation direction to clockwise or counterclockwise.
    • Fly along path—Fly along a user-sketched line path or a selected line feature on the map. You can set the path style to fly with a smoothed or real path. Flying along a real path changes direction at each turning point on the actual path.