Table widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9)    |

The Table widget displays interactive attribute tables for feature layers with the option to include multiple sheets that end users access via tabs or a list. You can choose which fields to include in the table and turn on tools such as search and selection.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to display attribute tables.
  • You want to provide a table for end users to interact with, such as finding or sorting records and selecting corresponding features in a map.

Usage notes

This widget requires that a data source be set for each sheet in the table. You can set actions for a Table widget to interact with other widgets, such as zooming to the selected feature on a map in a Map widget or filtering rows in a List widget. You can also use this widget to display feature attributes without including a map in the app.


The Table widget includes the following settings:

  • New sheet—Create one or more sheets in the table. (Click the Delete button to remove a sheet.) For each sheet, specify the following settings in the Sheet configuration panel:
    • Data—Select the data source for a layer with attributes to show in the widget. In the data view settings, you can filter the data to restrict what appears in the widget, sort the data to display features in a particular order, or limit the number of features.
    • Label—Type a name for the sheet. This name appears in the widget as a tab or in a list of sheets.
    • Configure fields—Select the fields to include in the sheet. Attachment fields are supported.
    • Tools—Provide tools for end users to interact with the sheets in the table.
      • Search—Provide a search box for the sheet in the table.
        • Select searching fields—Choose one or more fields to search.
        • Exact match—Limit search results to only records that match the search phrase.
      • Select records—Allow end users to select records in the sheet. Turning on this tool also includes Show selection (updates the sheet to only display the selected items) and Clear selection in the sheet's Options menu.
      • Refresh—This tool appears in the sheet's Options menu for end users to refresh the table to get the latest data.
  • Arrangement style—Choose from Tabs or Dropdown to specify how users can switch between the sheets in the table.