Household Spending

Household Spending is an authoritative estimate of annual expenditures for Canadian households. This Esri Advanced Demographics dataset for Canada is sourced from data supplied by Environics Analytics.

Household Spending provides current estimates of annual expenditures for 438 variables, spanning 18 categories of goods and services used by Canadian households—from fashion apparel and household furnishings to cellphones and charitable donations.

Data source


November 2024.

Data Vintage:



Data is provided by Environics Analytics.

Base Level Geography:

Postal code.

Geography levels

Household Spending variables are available at the postal code level of geography.

Household Spending documents

Refer to the following reference documents:

Example use cases

This wide-ranging dataset can be used to analyze potential expenditures by both average dollars per household and total dollars spent for any geographic level—from all of Canada to a small trade area—regardless of where the consumer made the purchase. Household Spending (also called HouseholdSpend) is produced annually with household income data from the DemoStats dataset and is based on Statistics Canada’s Survey of Household Spending.

Sample questions that can be answered using Household Spending data may include:

  • What product categories do households in my trade area spend the most money on?
  • What percentage of their total spending is associated with each category?
  • How much are my customers spending on average on clothing, rent and groceries?
  • Where can I find neighbourhoods with high childcare expenses?
  • Are expenditures in my trade area higher, lower or the same as the national average?

Example use cases for Household Spending include:

Analyze customer spending habits for opportunities

Analyzing your customers’ spending habits can highlight potential cross-promotional opportunities if, for example, the data indicates your customers spend their disposable income disproportionately on a particular category of goods or services.

Access segments with higher-than-average electricity bills

For a new energy conservation program, a hydro company can use Household Spending to target PRIZM® market segments with electricity bills that are a higher than average percentage of total utility bill spending.

Healthcare providers use Household Spending data

Healthcare providers can use Household Spending to monitor trade areas for purchase trends of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, reflecting aging population or other health factors.