ArcGIS Drone2Map has many options that can be set either for the current project or for the application. There are two ways to access these options:
- From an open project, click the Project tab on the ribbon. In the list on the left, click Settings.
- From the Drone2Map start page, click About Drone2Mapin the lower right corner. In the list on the left, click Settings.
New Project
New project settings allow you to set defaults for where your projects are saved, where to start browsing for your source images, and which project template to use. These settings help you get your projects started quickly. To adjust the default settings, complete the following steps:
- Select New Project under the Application heading.
- Click the folder button to select a default project folder.
- Click the folder button to select a default batch project folder.
- Click the folder button to set a default source imagery folder.
- Click the folder button to set a default custom template. Optionally, select a template from the default project template drop-down list.
- For default image and project coordinate system options, you can accept the defaults or click Set Horizontal and Vertical Spatial Reference
to select default coordinate systems and default vertical references.
- Click OK.

Use the ground control settings to set a default location, delimiter type, coordinate system, and vertical reference for your control. To adjust your ground control settings, complete the following steps:
- Select Control under the Application heading.
- Click Browse and select the default folder location for importing control.
- Select comma, tab, colon, or pipe from the default delimiter drop-down list.
- Accept the default or click Set Horizontal and Vertical Spatial Reference
to select a default coordinate system and default vertical reference.
- Click the symbol depicting the current default ground control point, check point, or image link symbol to change it.
- Click the color drop-down menu to define a new default color for ground control points, check points, or image links.
- Click the arrows on the size box to increase or decrease the symbol size, or manually enter a value in points.
- Click OK.
Drone2Map allows you to customize the drawing of maps and scenes. Display options control how maps are rendered and affect the quality and performance of drawing. You can modify settings for the following items:
- Antialiasing mode
- Text antialiasing mode
- Rendering quality
- Rendering engine
- Vertical synchronization
- Hardware antialiasing
- Local cache
For more information about display settings, see Display settings.
General settings allow you to set defaults for how Drone2Map logging, basemaps, and elevation sources function. On the Settings dialog box, on the General tab, you can set the following default options.
Level for messages logged by Drone2Map
Drone2Map allows you to set different levels of logging messages. This is useful when requesting support to provide additional information as needed. Drone2Map supports the following levels:
- Trace—Designates finer-grained informational events than the debug option. The most verbose level of logging.
- Debug—Designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
- Info—Designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level. This is the default setting.
To undo a selection, click Reset to Defaults before saving your changes.
Changing the log level requires an application restart to take effect.
Default basemap
The basemap used on new projects will follow the default basemap of your organization. Drone2Map allows you to change this to a custom basemap or no basemap.
Default elevation source
Drone2Map defaults to the World Elevation Service as its elevation source. This can be changed by browsing to a custom elevation surface.
The Flight Altitude Accuracy warning can be disabled by checking the box under this section or by checking the box when the pop-up appears. This change will remain for future projects and the next time a flight's altitude is below the expected threshold, the warning will not appear.
Hardware settings
CPU Threads specifies the number of central processing unit (CPU) threads dedicated to processing new projects. Slide the bar to the left or right to adjust the number of CPU threads.
The CPU Threads and general GPU settings can also be customized at the project level in the project’s processing options.
Temperature settings
The Temperature settings provide a drop-down menu to specify the default temperature units used for thermal output products. This can be defined as Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Help source
Drone2Map has an online help system and an offline (installed) help system. The two resources should have the same content, but the online help may be more current.
- Online help from the Internet —The Drone2Map help system opens in your default web browser. This is the default setting.
- Offline help from your computer (requires local help installation)—The Drone2Map help system opens in an application on your computer. This option is available only after the offline help system has been installed. You can download the Drone2Map help system setup file from the same location as the main program installer on My Esri.
If you frequently work in a disconnected environment, it is recommended that you download and install the offline help system.
Esri User Experience Improvement program
The Esri User Experience Improvement (EUEI) program helps Esri improve the interface and usability of Drone2Map.
Edit settings
Enable the editing toolbar if you want it to appear when you create features or modify them with interactive editing tools. Disable this setting to hide the toolbar and use only ribbon commands, context menus, and keyboard shortcuts.
User camera database settings
Functional buttons that allow you to modify the user camera database by importing, exporting or deleting it.
Sharing settings
Configure default sharing tags to be used when sharing any type of product.
Catalog settings
Projects can be configured to have a default local and web catalog defined. Project layers can also be automatically added to those catalogs. A default shared storage path can be specified for new shared catalogs. To configure catalog options, complete the following steps:
- Click Browse and choose the default local catalog dataset.
- Optionally, check the Automatically add layers to local catalog box if you want all your project layers to automatically write to the default local catalog.
- Click Browse and choose the default web catalog dataset.
- Optionally, check the Automatically add layers to web catalog box if you want all your project layers to automatically write to the default web catalog.
- Click Browse and choose the default shared storage folder used for new shared catalog datasets.
Reset all Drone2Map settings
Click Reset to Defaults to return Drone2Mapsettings to their original state.
Inspection settings allow you to define a default inspection report title, inspection report logo, database schema, and overview map scale. To define the inspection settings, complete the following steps:
- Click within the dialog box to enter a default report title.
- Click Browse and choose the default folder location for the inspection report logo.
- Click Browse and choose the default scheme JSON file to be used for inspections.
- Use the map scale box to define a default overview map scale.
Language settings allow you to set your display and proofing language if you have an ArcGIS language pack installed. You can also set your online help system language to supported languages.
For more information about language settings, see Configure language settings.
You can customize the default experience for 2D and 3D maps in Drone2Map. These settings control how you orient your view, identify features, and navigate and manage your extent. On the Settings dialog box, on the Navigation tab, you can set the following options:
- Mouse wheel roll forward—This option controls zooming in and out on a view. By default, Zooms in is selected. With this option, when you rotate the wheel button forward, you zoom in on your view. Select Zooms out to reverse this behavior.
- Transition time—This option controls the amount of time the application takes to move from one area to another. By default, this option is set to zero seconds. You can increase the transition time to slow the navigation between locations.
- Enable panning gestures—This option assists with navigation when panning maps, scenes, and layout views. When you click and release the mouse button, the application assists in navigating toward the direction the mouse was released, such as a push or pull to glide in that direction. This option is checked by default. If you uncheck this option, the assistance is not provided.
- Follow terrain during roam—Specific to 3D navigation, this option maintains your position above ground, so it stays fixed even as you move forward, backward, uphill, or downhill. The view avoids bumping into or going through hills and can be useful when using roam near street-level navigation in hilly cities. When this option is checked, the wheel button can still be used for zooming in and out and changing the camera's altitude. This option is not checked by default.
- Show distance to cursor—Specific to 3D navigation, this option displays the straight line distance from your view position to a location in the view, such as a mountaintop or corner of a building. The value displays in the status bar at the bottom of the view, next to the coordinate display units. This option is not checked by default.
- First person navigation speed exaggeration—Specific to 3D navigation, this controls the initial camera travel speed when first-person navigation mode is enabled.
- On Screen Navigator:
- Show Navigator when opening 2D views—By default, no navigator control shows when a new 2D map view is opened. You can optionally configure 2D maps to always open showing the navigator using Heading or Full Control mode.
- Show Navigator when opening 3D views—By default, the navigator control shows in Heading mode, allowing you to always know where north is and click to reset the view to north. Click and drag the outer ring to pan around the scene. Optionally, configure 3D views to always open with the navigator maximized for full control or no navigator at all.
- Default Navigator size—Adjust the initial size of the navigator as it will appear each time in a view.
- Stereo Cursor:
- Change Z value by—Specific to stereo maps, this controls the amount of z-value change per scroll of the mouse wheel. It is set by the system based on stereo map data characteristics. Optionally, set a custom value and unit.
- Acceleration factor for Z value change—This controls the acceleration factor when pressing Shift to increase the z-value change per scroll.
- Deceleration factor for Z value change—This controls the deceleration factor when pressing the Caps Lock key to decrease the z-value change per scroll.
- Pop-ups:
- Use classic pop-up mode—Use this option to override the default styling and use the classic pop-up styling at all times.
- Honor dark theme—Use this option for pop-ups to honor the dark theme when the application is in this mode. This option is on by default. Turn it off to display the attribute portion of pop-ups in the light theme styling regardless of the application setting.
- Block JavaScript content—Use this option to block pop-ups that contain JavaScript content. This option is on by default.
- Show crosshairs when flashing—Use this option to display four lines that draw from the outer edge of the map view to center on a flashed feature.
Raster and Imagery
The raster and imagery default options allow you to change settings, which will be applied to all your imagery and raster datasets.
The raster and imagery options consist of the following categories:
- Appearance
- Cache
- Raster Dataset
- Mosaic Dataset
- Raster Formats
For more information about raster and imagery default settings, see Raster and imagery default settings.
You can review and set your selection option preferences before you begin selecting features. On the project Settings dialog box, on the Selection tab, you can set the following default interactive selection options:
- Selection color—Specifies the color of your selected features. The default is cyan.
- For polygons only, optionally apply a selection color and fill to the interior. You can choose from a hatched fill or a solid fill.
- You can override the default selection color for an individual layer using the Layer Properties dialog box.
- Interactive selection mode—Specifies how the shapes you digitize will be
used to select features. You have the following options:
- Select features that are partially or completely within the selection graphic shape. This is the default.
- Select features that are completely contained by the selection shape (2D only).
- Selection combination mode—Specifies the behavior when
selecting multiple features. This can be configured to
any of the following options:
- Create a selection set of features each time you digitize with a selection tool. This is the default.
- Add to the current selection set (press Shiftk while clicking).
- Remove features from the current selection set (press Ctrl while clicking).
- Select features from the current selection set (press Ctrl+Shift while clicking).
- Save layers and tables with their current selection—Maintains the selection for the layers or tables when a project is reopened. This option is enabled by default.
- Display the interactive selection graphic—Maintains the selection shape graphic after drawing a selection shape. This can be useful for making additional dynamic interactive selections. Click and drag the graphic to a new location and update the selection. You can also resize the graphic by clicking and dragging one of its handles.
- Show the selection chip—Controls whether the selection chip appears near the pointer when you select coincident or overlapping features and displays the selection list so you can click the desired feature. This option is enabled by default.
- Keep invisible features selected with a new selection—Maintains the selection set for layers that you turn off before making a new selection.
Units settings define the units used in the current project. On the Settings dialog box, on the Units tab, you can set the units for the following categories:
- Distance units
- Angular units
- Area units
- Location units
- Direction units
- Page units
- 2D symbol display units
- 3D symbol display units
For each unit category, a button will specify the default unit for the project. For more information about units in Drone2Map, see Map units, location units, and display units.