Modify features

2024.1    |

The Modify Features pane Modify Features contains tools to edit features interactively using the pointer.

You can filter and search for tools by typing a text string that matches a text string contained in the tool name or functional group. A notification appears when an editing tool is actively filtering a selection. To restore the selection to its unfiltered state, deactivate the current tool by pressing the Esc key or clicking the back button in the Modify Features pane.

If you change an editing tool while sketching required geometry—for example, when reshaping a feature—you are prompted to apply or discard the unfinished sketch.

Unfinished sketch geometry

For a basic workflow to create and modify features, see Create features.

Customize the tool display

You can customize the size and arrangement of the tools from the Options menuMenu.

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Features group, click Modify Modify Features.
  2. Click Modify Features Options Menu.
    Modify Features pane
  3. On the Options menu, check or uncheck the following settings:

    Large Icons

    Display large icons.

    Small Icons

    Display small icons.


    Display tools in a single column. Uncheck this setting to automatically arrange tools to fill the current width of the pane.